Junior Rangers

When I was 17 I participated in an excellent program run by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. It was called Junior Rangers back then. Now it’s called Ontario Rangers… probably because today’s 17-year-olds don’t want to be called Junior. I’m guessing there.
Anyway, I entered the program a fairly scrawny bookworm in June and left in August as a well-muscled bookworm with a great deal of mosquito and black fly bites.
Although we were all guys, except for the cook, we weren’t gay. At least I wasn’t. There was the cook after all. And a few of us wanted her… wanted all 250 pounds. But I digress.
In 1980 I was stationed at Kiosk, in the northwest corner of Algonquin Park and we did a great deal of canoe rangering. There were at least 2 major canoe trips per crew where we would replace dilapidated kybo’s (aka shitter, btw kybo stands for ‘keep your bowels open’), brush portage routes with scythes and sandvik axes, eat gorp and paddle a great deal. We also did camp maintenance around Kiosk, some demolition of the houses being taken over by the park at that time, repairs to the dirt roads to the camp and forestry work. It was a hell of a lot of work but one of the best summers I’ve ever had.
There was recreation time too. A lot of swimming in the lake, beach volleyball and a sporting competition between our camp and those losers, degenerates and sissies over at the Achray (they were in the north-EAST part of Algonquin: that’s the bad side) camp.
If you’re 17 and want a really great time, I recommend it.

417 thoughts on “Junior Rangers

  1. i was a ranger in 78 in kiosk.i have to say that it was one of the best jobs that a 17 year old could have,provided that you like the bush and are not afraid of physical labour.i was very small for my age but that did not stop me from trying to prove myself .i was going to and did portage a 16ft aluminum when ever and where ever possible.i have grown since,both physically and mentally.the ranger program showed me that i could not onley do things that that i thought were phsically impossible for a boy of my stature,but i was also comended for my hard work by thoughs in charge.i have gone on to work offshore drilling,logging,west coast crabbing,and eventually reforestation.to name but a few of the exciting jobs that i know that the jr.forest ranger program prepared me for.thanks a bunch for the that one summer back in 78.

  2. I was a Junior Forest Ranger in 1970 at Mississagi provincial park north of Elliot lake. The best summer of my life.

    • I was a Junior Ranger at Mississaggi Provincial Park in July and August of 1977. It was a fantastic experience and a summer that I often think about with fond memories. Peter Neary. Etobicoke.

  3. I was a Junior Forest Ranger, (JR`s as we were called) in 1967 at Wrong Lake north of Chapleau. Our group was made up of fellas from all areas of Ontario. We worked hard, played baseball between the other two Ranger camps in our region, Racine Lake and Barkley Bay which was located at Missinaibi Lake. The town of Chapleau held a dance that we were all invited to attend and it was great.
    The food at our camp was great
    We came in as boys, and left, tanned with muscles as young confident men.
    It was the best summer of my life and I would highly recommend it to anyone.

    • I, too was at Wrong Lake in 1967, and remember the experience fondly. Went back in 1973 with my wife and infant daughter to camp at Missinaibi Lake. The Barclay Bay camp had burned dowm in the meantime. Returned again in 2007 (40 years!!!). Found Wrong Lake, but the old road has been relocated to the North, and all traces of the camp are gone, Too bad there isn’t some kind of registry of those (good old) days!

      • Greetings John,
        I remembered your name immediately. Most of the guys including yourself signed my copy of the group photo that we all received. I returned a couple of times to Chapleau on business during the winter and never had a chance to visit the park or check out Wrong Lake. I am planning on a summer trip in the near future so perhaps I will also visit the old site of the camp beside Wrong lake.
        It was nice hearing from a fellow JR and getting an update on our old stomping grounds.
        Here’s to those good old days!

      • eh John ..
        As a former Jr. Ranger in 1975 and if my memory serves me I too was at the Wrong Lake Camp. tough being as old as I am here.and NO access to the one piece of Evidence that could prove it conclusively is the Camp photo in from of a sign I suggest to be built and erected. It was a two Pole sided 10 feet high.. with hanging two canoes. The signs were 2 hanging canoes , the first with the Camp and all the staff. The second hanging closer to the ground with the names of all that were there that summer. I got this Idea form one of my older brothers that was a ta perry sound camp. they did this. I come from a family for 6 boy and all of us were lucky to go to junior Ranger camps. Back then it was the IN thing to do.. and the Lottery as it was called was always the wild card/ My two cousins in the town.. were rejected..sadly. Consider John .. how old and how many years ago.. trailer we lived in were never meant to stand that long.
        Would love ot hear form you and swap storeys if you like

      • Eh John;…..see your post.. I to was at WRING LAKE if memory serves me. I was on of the 6 camps 3 mens and 3 Girls located out side of Chapleau Ontario . I was there the summer of 1978 can’t forget it as we all were in Chapleau at the movie theatre of the big opening go GREASE. Twas the best summer of my life ever L

    • Eh there Terry .. I was a JR. Ranger in the same area.. the lake I can’t remember…1975/ twas the Greatest summer to say the least. were there at yor time 6 cams in the area .. 3 men’s and 3 girl’s> We swarmed Chapleau one week end and that to was a logistic nightmare with so many NEW FACES in the town.. .But always welcoming to JR. Rangers at all time.. were in the town.. 3 times in the summer

      • It was called “the Jamboree”. I was there as well in 1975 at Sand Shoal Provinicial Park. 21 girls! I remember that year there was a problem with forest fires and all the boys were hired on to work with the firefighters. But not the ladies. We wrote Toronto Star and soon we were the first female Junior Forest Rangers to fight the fires.

    • Aye Terry…
      Love to hear from you there.. I was a Jr. Ranger in 1975 at what I think was the camp you mention and I really like to communicate with you and get some HISTORY on Chapleau’s “wrong LAKE. ei… was there 6 camps back then … as when I was there.. 3 boys camps and 3 girls camps… I see Chapleau hosted a dance for you JR’s. We had a 6 Camp three day Jamboree. that it its self was totally amazing let me tell you.. I remember one detail like it was yesterday.. The weekend we all 6 camps went to Chapleau… we packed the theatre. The move of the summer then was the release of GREASE staring John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John . Terry is was and still has been my BEST SUMMER EVER. I wish I still had the photos of the 10 foot sign at the camp entrance I suggested. With our hearts and souls we poured a memory to be left for all time.. and I hope the tradition continued. Terry.. please contact me
      Cheers Treey…Lee DeBareau
      Would like to share story’s if you like I sure like to …

      • Hi Lea, I was a JR in 1975 at Racine lake best time ever . I still have a JR leather jacket we bought at the end on the summer the older I get the more the memorys mean to me!
        Steve Grant

      • Its been years, but I think I remember you. Henrieke Vanden Bosch, well, thats the name L think I remember, LOL??

    • Would you be the Terry Armstrong who began teaching at QEPS in Kirkland Lake about 4 years after your JR experience?

      • Sorry, no. I’m Terry Grignon. But my Dad was from Haileybury, only and hour and a half down the road from Kirkland Lake.

      • Robert, this is Garry Paget. I was a JR at Barclay Bay north of Chapleau in 1967. Are you looking for Terry Armstrong who was at Wrong Lake that same year?

      • Garry, yes, I was wondering if the Terry Armstrong who was at Wrong Lake in 67 was from Kirkland Lake.

      • Robert, can you e-mail me at jgpag at hotmail dot com please. Thanx. Garry

      • Are you Terry Wrong from Right Lake 1968…..1969? I’m Moose, from Stoney Creek, Ont. Remember when 2 guys got lost on that hiking trail near Rock Ridge? Jeff was one of the guys. Moose, AKA Brent Watson.

      • Darn it all. Another moose has become anthropomorphized. First Bullwinkle and now this one! We’ve got to keep a closer eye on those ungulates!

  4. I was a Junior Ranger in the summer of 86′ at Sringwater lake nr.Geraldton on the Algonquin. I remember catching numerous pike, sandvicking, treeplanting, repairing roads, portaging, playing baseball, fishing, and going to town to buy booze. It was one of the best summers of my life… Thank you Rocky Richard Mantha, Rob Bloxham, Peter(Raoul),Don, Blair, and anyone else who I was close with but forgot to mention. You gotta remember me I was the only asian guy there. I’ll never forget that summer for the rest of my life. Great program.

    • Sounds like a great program. Would love to get my son involved. He just turned 18. Is it only for 17 yr olds?

      • It is a great program although I get the impression it is much reduced from what it was in the heydey of ‘Junior Rangering’. There certainly aren’t as many camps still active. But you should contact the Ministry of Natural Resources or look for Ontario Rangers online about the age requirement. It was 17 when I went but the actual age cutoff may be based on a specific date.


  5. 1970 was my year also as a Junior Ranger; posted at Sibley Provincial Park (now known as “Sleeping Giant Provincial Park” on the Sibley Peninsula near Thunder Bay. Like the other recollections, the program involved a lot of hard work and a lot of fun. Can’t remember many of the names of the guys after nearly 40 years, but I had my old instamatic camera and took a lot of pictures (slides) that I recently scanned into digital format. They bring back priceless memories of a great character building summer.

    • Hi Roy: Four years after the fact, I’m responding to your post on Golbing regarding the Junior Rangers/Ontario Rangers, hoping that you clicked the comment notification option. If you haven’t already done so, please consider sending your memories and photos of that summer to the “Friends of the Ontario Rangers” facebook page, and to the municipal, provincial and federal representatives of “Sleeping Giant” park and of where you live now, or at least check out the “FORP” website.

  6. I was one of the first female rangers in 1973 when they expanded the program to include girls. It was a great experience! We did the same jobs as the boys camps….cutting trees, planting trees, cleaning campsites, etc. My camp was at Mark’s Lake near Thunder Bay.
    I haven’t seen or heard from any of the other girls in years. If anyone who was there the summer of 1973 reads this, please get in touch as I’d love to hear from you. Thanks.

  7. 1982-1983 restoule prov. park first as a ranger then as a so call foreman the second year, was maybe the most fun summers in my teen-age life..

    • Hey steve I just came across this site my name is timothy gill my nickname that summer 1983 was “speedy”.You were the one that that had the ozzy hat… Some names Pete veenstra ,Gord nederveen, cyril, cricket .where are you living now ?

      • Hi Speedy and Steve (Restoule 1983)
        Clubs here, camp beaver-tail barber. Speedy you did the stand up comic routine. Other guys there were Stoney, Chief, Jersey, Red, Frog, Matt, Ernie, Brew, (painted his stomach for tallent show, and danced to I Just Cant Get Enough), Doug (our pitcher). Cricket bought me a bottle of liquor for winning MVP at our soft ball win, for the Restoulle Beaver Hunters (I remember a fair amount of our theme song). Great food in the messhall, evening snacks. Getting cheques cashed in town and playing the jukebox (Photograph – Def Leppard), Sandviks, Running each morning before showering, going in to North Bay to watch War Games, the local girls, building a foot bridge while standing in a swamp, the leader who showed no sign of pain as he accepted the bet on wrapping a bill around his arm and trying to burn through it with a cigarette. I was offered Forman for summer 1984, but I needed more than $10 per day and turned it down.

    • Greetings Paul from Wrong Lake.

      What year were you there & have you ever returned to the camp?
      In 1967 most of the trees around the camp were 15-20 ft in height because a fire. I can only imagine what the place must look like now.
      We thinned poplar with sandviks,cleared brush on roadways and even dug a well using a sandpoint with water pressure supplied by a Wajax Mark 1 water pump also used for fire fighting. We had a ballpark, 6 cabins that we lived in and our famous 18 hole KYBO that was situated on the hill, with no doors, and a great view of the whole camp. The 2 women in the camp lived at the other end in the cookery so there was some privacy.
      I will have to dig out those old 35mm slides for a review and get them on to DVD’s.

      It’s nice to know of someone that made it to Wrong Lake. Nice talking to you.

      • Hello guys, I was also at Wrong Lake in’ 67. I recall getting off the train in Chapleau, being taken to the headquarters of the Natural Resources (I think it was another name back then) and at that point we were told which camp we would be working at for the summer. When I heard Wrong Lake I wanted to get back on the train but as it turned out, it was “right” spot & the greatest experience I could ever hope for. We worked hard for 5.5 days a week, the food was great and we all had a lot of fun. Our crew went on an overnight canoe trip into Lipsett Lake, a 5 hour canoe trip down a small river that was populated by moose. Though we never saw any, we did see a lot of hoof prints along the river bank. Our foremen were aboriginal Indians, though pretty quiet, they were great to work. Do you remember “Flash?” He was the guy that manned the fire tower. They called him that because one day he came down the tower and right at the bottom was a black bear. He apparently climbed right back up the tower in a flash. Sorry Paul, the outhouse only had 13 holes. The number was painted on the roof.

      • Rick Ireland, this is Garry Paget from Barclay Bay 1967!! I know the name…now, trying to attach the face. I do remember “Flash”…from Kapuskasing…wore a black “engineer’s hat with white pokadots on it. The names were Jerry McAuley and his brother “Butch” (aka Rodney). give me a shout out! jgpag@hotmail.com

    • Eh there Pauly .. I was a JR. Ranger in the same area.. the lake I can’t remember…1975/ twas the Greatest summer to say the least. were there at yor time 6 cams in the area .. 3 men’s and 3 girl’s> We swarmed Chapleau one week end and that to was a logistic nightmare with so many NEW FACES in the town.. .But always welcoming to JR. Rangers at all time.. were in the town.. 3 times in the summer
      Looking for others of this summers Years.. lets chat..

  8. i went to sandbar lake provincial park. the best summer in my life. i will never forget it. i wish i could do it all over agian. i cried when i left my friends.

  9. It was also one of my best summers! Timmons Ontario, girls camp 1983- what a blast and I learned how to plant trees and use a sand vic!

      • I was at Sandbar in 1978. We did the “lion’s share” of the basic log building that houses the sauna, down by the lake. There were maybe 3 logs up on each side when we got in July. We went right at it and got the building part completed in 1978. There were a few of us who were assigned “high wood workers” that got the structure done. I went back there to see the camp in 1986(+/-). What a blast seeing the camp! And the finished sauna!

    • Fiona, I was there the same summer – Amanda Phillips. If you’re on Facebook, you should join the group “Ontario Junior Rangers… Now and Forever”.

  10. i was near chapleau near wakami lake provincial partk , time of my life , unforgettable , and that was way back , 17 years old , the year was 1974, came home to Kingston and became a back to the lander lol. Changed my life . Good Memories .

  11. Spent the summer of 84 at Wawang lake by Ignace, North of Thunder Bay. The best summer ever, great experience. Still have many fond memories, hard work sandvicking, blackflies. Can still remember many of the guys though I haven’t seen them in twenty five years. Hope the program is still around when my son is old enough to go. Anyone else up there in 84, It would be great to hear from you.

  12. I was a Junior Ranger at Killbear Provincial Park near Parry Sound during the summer of 1081. Had a real blast of a time making friends, raking campsites, clearing brush with Sandviks, demolishing boathouses near Point au Baril, going on canoe trips and participating in field games with the JR’s from Grundy Lake and baseball from the folks in the area. Wished I could do it again.

      • I was a Jr. Ranger @ Killbear in 1972. Couple of years back I went into the park and visited the old buck houses. They are still there, albeit in a bad state of reopair.

      • I was a JR at Killbear in 76. It was the bi-centenial year for the U.S. and there were lots of visitors to the area from the States. The work was hard but fun and the free time was a blast. Killbear is a beautiful park. The food was great, the team leaders were great and all the JRs were a fantastic bunch of guys. One of the leaders got married at the end of the summer and a lot of the JRs came back for his wedding. The reception was in the hall at the Bobby Orr Community Centre. It doesn’t get better than that!

      • hi everyone: i know the JR experience for us as 17 year olds was amazing. in 1971 i was a JR at Samuel de Champlain park on the Mattawa River. it was really cool and I’d like to connect with some of the guys who worked that summer. any help would be appreciated
        regards, Steve…aka Batman

  13. Gabrielle Le Forestier (Gaby)I was a J.R in the summer of 79, Best summer of my life,made some great friends, ate great food thanks to Cookie. We cleared brush with Sandviks, clipped fish fins, followed the Bear Boys who tagged bears. Ours was the only girl’s camp around at Trout Lake, The boy’s were Restoule and Samuel D. Champlain. Anybody heard from Adele Cotnam of Cornwall,Ont, or Katherine of Orangeville, Carolyn of Toronto, Sharon of Windsor?

      • YUP! How are you Linda? Still living in Toronto? I moved to Vancouver about 20+ years ago and never looked back.
        Do you keep in touch with any of the old BCI folk? I keep in very good touch with Sue Daly but that’s about it.
        Hope you are well.
        Gabrielle aka Gaby

    • Gaby??!! Holy crap….what a blast from my past!! I was searching you a few months ago, and never would have thought to check a JR blog!! Summer of 79 at McConnell Lake tops my list of great memories!! (and tell me you haven’t forgotten about the Boulter boys??)

      • Adele!!!! two years later and I find your reply,how the heck are you? you still in Cornwall? I’ve often thought about you and wondered what you got up to. Remember our post ranger trip to P.E.I? By the way we were the summer of ’78, my bad. . would love to hear from you.

      • Hey ladies of McConnell Lake,.. Gabrielle, Adele…if you enjoyed your time with the Junior Rangers, and haven’t already done so, please take a few minutes to check out the Friends of the Ontario Ranger Program website, maybe add your name to the online petition, and/or download and circulate the paper one.There’s also a facebook page. There’s going to be a Jamboree in Huntsville, on August 24th.

    • Colleen McNamara…..Oh just hearing that name Cookie I know what camp you were at…McConnell Lake. I was a J.R. there the summer of 1981 adn 82. Great Memories. Ohhh to be 17 again :-).

      • Hey there! I was a McConnell Lake J.R. summer of ’78!! One of the best summers of my life. and yes, I remember Cookie too! Wish I could go back in time and relive that summer!


        Margaret Baar McConnell Lake ’78

      • Colleen,

        All the camp cooks were called “Cookie”.

        Garry Paget JR Barclay Bay, Missinaibi Lake 1967…SR Wrong Lake 1968.

    • Wow, I can’t believe I found this site. I’ve just moved and unpacked some boxes finding my old yellow helmet and other remnants from that summer. So I thought I’d do a search which led me here. I was one of the guys from Restoule that came by the camp. If I remember right it was for a meet and greet and some sort of competition between all the camps in the area. I remember meeting you ladies and having a crush on a girl named Kathy (she went to Havergal school). What a great summer. I’ve tried to convince my son to attend but it’s not his thing.

      • When I was stationed at Sandbar Lake JR Camp in 1977, we hosted a “JR Olympics.” Several camps in the area came for a “friendly” contest in several sports. The girls from Sioux Lookout came in for the weekend. If Jan Munroe is out there, I’d love to hear from you.

        Rik Hudson

  14. I was a JR at White Lake Provincial Park around 87 and a SR in Lake Superior Provincial Park in 88 and 89. There is little I can say that hasn’t already been said, except that I’ve returned a few times to the canoe route we did on the White River and as they say, we are all born twice in our lives.

    • Hi Matt: I see that Cale is asking if you’re from Kincardine. If so, do you know someone from that area named Kate who would’ve been 17, in l980? Esker Lakes Junior Rangers, near Kirkland Lake. Fuzzy blonde hair, glasses, raised on a farm. It’s the best I can do. I’m trying to remember names of the girls I worked with in my third year of the program. Thanks.

    • Was a JR at White Lake in ’83. Also did the White River in August. Loads of fun all summer long. Been an outdoor guy all my life and this was a great experience. Cheers Matt.

  15. I was a JR in 1972 at Five Mike Lake Provincial Park near Chapleau. It was the best summer of my young years. I was heartbroken when we had to go home.

    • Eh there Chris .. I was a JR. Ranger in the same area.. the lake I can’t remember…1975/ twas the Greatest summer to say the least. were there at yor time 6 cams in the area .. 3 men’s and 3 girl’s> We swarmed Chapleau one week end and that to was a logistic nightmare with so many NEW FACES in the town.. .But always welcoming to JR. Rangers at all time.. were in the town.. 3 times in the summer
      Looking for others of this summers Years.. lets chat.. I think my camp too was WRONG LAKE

  16. I am heading to Round Lake tomorrow morning to be an Ontario Ranger. Very excited, although nervous.

  17. I was at Killbear the summer of 85. Had the best summer ever. I still talk about it with my wife and kids. In fact we are going there to camp for a week this weekend as my wife was getting tired of hearing what a great place it is. I haven’t been back since I left 25 years ago and I am really looking forward to it.

  18. I was at Sioux Lookout the summer of 81. We literally arrived by train one day and the next morning we were paddling out of Pickle Lake to clear non existant portage routes.
    It was an amazing summer, would love to hear from others from Cedarbough 81

    • Hi,
      I was there a year after you.
      I’m trying to remember names of the cooks, formen and Supervisors to start.

      One of the best summers of my life.

      • hi
        when i was there, all of the forewomen had Mary in their name some how, Mary Ann, was one, and I remember Sabine as a junior forewoman. They were all amazing and so patient with a bunch of hormonal girls

      • i was at cedarbough in 84 as a JR and 85 as sub foreman. it was a life changing experience. i wish that my kids could have gone.

    • I was in the first group at Cedarbough in 1964. An amazing summer. There were two methods of getting into the camp after arriving by school bus from town. We had an old half track that pulled a flatbed, with us and our gear on it, through the bush on a road we cut as soon as we got there that summer. The other method was by freighter canoe to the mouth of a stream by the camp and then walked from there. I presume that eventually they completed the road for larger vehicles. Great food produced by Mrs. Roy. Nobody went hungry at that camp. The only complaint was the powdered milk.
      Some great memories spent with a great crew of guys. Never saw any of them again except for one I ran into a few years later at university.

    • Hi Erin: I was just reading one of your later comments, where you’re trying to remember staff names. One of the other Rangers at my camp near Bancroft in l978 was a Sabine Feulgen. Not a very common first name. I have a pic that I can send as an email attachment. I didn’t keep in touch.

  19. Just stumbled across this site and wow did it bring back memories.It’s been 35 years.Was at Rogers camp the summer of 75, 30 miles past Hearst.Like most have said did all the same things plus others and had a blast.We played baseball at blackfly stadium…well you get the picture.

    • John,I was just reading the replies to this thread,and came across your story…mine was Identical(1969),except George Etier,the supt,was fired for letting a JR drive the truck,and he rolled it..Great times ,great food,terrific environment,and lifelong memories.worth it,to the last second.The staff were the best.

      • Hey Alex – just saw the replies from you and John B. I was a Junior Ranger and spent the summer of 1970 at Fushimi Provincial Park, just west of Hearst. One great way to spend the summer! The only problem was getting involved with aerial spraying during that summer as a Junior Ranger, ending up in the Hearst Hospital with medical issues. Any other Junior Ranger involved with aerial spraying having health concerns? Besides that, a great bunch of guys and a fun summer. Still remember those Saturday nights in Hearst at the Pizza Parlour. Hard to believe it was 43 years ago!

      • If you were sprayed during your time in Hearst, contact the Ministry. They are tracking all illnesses related what was the equivalent of Agent Orange.

      • Actually,I did contact them,and they have my report at WCIB.But to my knowledge(damage was minimal) ,if at all.

      • I got sprayed…no problems.Went fishing with Ed,the C.O there,and had a blast.George Etier was a great camp manager.

    • Hi John,

      I was there in 75 as well. I believe we were in the same bunk house. Had a great time that summer – lots of memories !!

      Eric M aka “Stump”

      • Hi Eric M. If you haven’t already, please check out the Friends of the Ontario Ranger Program facebook (FORP) page in order to network with some of the thousands of others who were fortunate to be able to be a part of its 70 some odd year history.You’ll be able to see what’s being done to get the program reinstated and find some suggestions on how you can help. GH, Cashel Lake, ’78, Kap kig i wan ’79 and Esker Lakes ’80.

      • Hi Stump what a blast from the past.Soon as I read your nickname I remembered you well.I also remember names like the rower Booey and his friend Spazzy.And the fisherman who caught all the trout and had the cook fry it all up for us.Remember getting banned from Hearst because of Alchy ending up in the Police station?So many memories just from one summer.

      • does anybody have the exact location of Rogers Camp? like to google map it?Alex,aka” Carlisle”

    • I was there at Rogers in 1967 and we had to call a baseball game off against the Kapuskasing camp because we could not see the pitcher when the wind stopped. The black flies were the worse in 20 years. Bernie was the head ranger there at that time

  20. In 1969 I was posted to Bear Island on Lake Temagami. It was one of the best summers of my life. The experience was great and the programme one of the best ever. I remember Chief Ranger John Rumney also. He had to visit our camp after some youthful shenanigans. He was a good man — still living in Temagami with his wife. But, Bear Island, the Hudson Bay Store, assisting in dock building, brush clearing, creel census, and Senator Sullivan’s weekly visit to Mass at the church…great experience.

    • I was also at Bear Island in 1969. I was sad to leave at the end of the summer. I have many great memories of my time on Bear Island.

      • Hi everyone. Trust you are all safe and adhering to the pandemic social requirements. I was a JR in 1970 at Samuel de Champlain provincial park near Mattawa. It was the best summer of my life. I’d really like to hear from anyone who was present at Champlain Park during the summer of 1970…best regards, Batman

        Sent from Mail for Windows 10

      • Not THAT summer but I was there in 1969. A very eventful year.

        Man on the moon, Charles Manson and Woodstock.

        We started out going to Mattawa on Saturday nights but had some trouble with the local boys so finished the summer going to North Bay.

        I was on the crew that dug the trench for the water line from Long Lake to the Ranger Station.

  21. The summer of 2010 at Round Lake will certainly not be forgotten. I plan to apply back next year as a Junior Sub. We had great times tending, brushing trails, cleaning campsites, and hosting Jambo. We also managed to damage two of our vehicles to the point where they had to be replaced, one was our fault the other wasn’t.

    I met so many great people and brought away so many memories.

  22. Anybody out there at Wrong Lake camp from 1963 thru 1965. I was a junior ranger in 63, a senoir ranger in 64, and a Junior ranger foreman in 65.

    • You were there three summers Les? Wow. Shows you how much I remember. Punter and I were at the YMCA camp in Bancroft in 64 as counsllors. I think the whole lot of us went away as JRs in 63. Paul Livingstone, John Todd, Chris Punter, Mike Bulford and my cousin Bruce. Possibly the quietest summer in Treverton Park history.

    • Eh there Chris .. I was a JR. Ranger in the same area.. the lake I can’t remember…1975/ twas the Greatest summer to say the least. were there at yor time 6 cams in the area .. 3 men’s and 3 girl’s> We swarmed Chapleau one week end and that to was a logistic nightmare with so many NEW FACES in the town.. .But always welcoming to JR. Rangers at all time.. were in the town.. 3 times in the summer
      Looking for others of this summers Years.. lets chat.. I think my camp too was WRONG LAKE

      • Hi guys. I was a JR at pays plat near Schriber in 1964. I would appreciate hearing from any of our group Thanks. Wayne E

  23. I was a Junior Ranger at Springwater Lake near Geraldton in 1988. Had a great time! We planted some trees, picked some pine cones, cleared campsites at a Provincial Park, built some docks, and worked around the camp. A highlight was a 4 or 5 day canoe trip. There were 36 of us, 3 crews in 3 vans. I remember taking the train from Union Station on a hot day at the end of June and arriving almost a day later at Longlac, 8 degrees as the sun was coming up, and driving through town and along logging roads. I could believe it was possible to experience so much culture shock in my own province! I returned the next three summers as a foreman, until the camp was closed. I made great friends at camp and in the town nearby. Inspired by the Junior Ranger Program, in 92 I started tree planting and worked all across Northern Ontario for the next 6 summers–making a total of 10 summers in a row! Many fond memories. I just had a son a few weeks ago, and hope to take him back up there!

    • Trevor, I remember you as a junior sub-foreman when i was at springwater in 1990. Definitely the best summer of my life.

    • Hi Trevor: Hopefully you clicked that you’d like to be notified when there’s a note added to this string. Your story is interesting, and you should consider submitting it as a blog on the Friends of the Ontario Ranger Program website. GH, Halifax

    • I remember you as my sub foreman as well. I’ve been trying to find people but finding it hard. We had an awesome camp. I was from Petawawa and was also called that for a nick name. I was good friends with Steve Currie but have never been able to find where he is. I would like to know what everyone is up to. Susan was the camp foreman.

      • Trevor, Corey, Steve – I remember you well. What amazing summers. Loved being foreman at that camp. What a beautiful location, particularly the sunset. And such a great group of guys.

      • Check me out on Facebook would be great to catch up. Trevor has already tracked me down there.

      • Omg I totally haven’t looked at the replies I will try to contact you Susan through fb and I am sometimes on fb

      • Susan, I remember you as a foreman. I grew up on a farm, so the work was not too bad for me. I know some of the city kids thought it was hard work. The canoe trips were fun. It was nice to swim and we even had a sauna.

    • Hey Trevor its Jason Campbell aka Maverick I was at Springwater in 88 as well. I’m trying to get a copy of the photo that was taken of everyone. if you have one or still in contact with someone who does please let me know, jasoncampbell1971@live.com. What was your nickname I don’t remember anyone by their real name.

  24. I was also a JR in 1980 at Kioshkokwi Lake. Terry Grignon you worked with the same crew as me. Do you remember Guy or Mouse, David Galada or Chris? Anyway, we always had a great time. It will never be forgotten. I may still have a list of the guys and some photos as well. I hope to hear from you.

    • I was junior ranger at briggs camp in temagami in 1986. I went back for eight years as a junior foreman and later a sub foreman. It was probably the best summers i ever had. I have heard that the foreman Peter McKee still lives up in Temagami. I traveled through Temagami 11 years ago and things had changed dramatically. The experences from those years set the way I live my life and the amount of camping and canoing that I still due today.

      • Hi Jeff

        I was at Briggs for the summer of 1989. Had a blast!

        My nickname that summer was “Juice”. Drink a few drinking boxes on the train ride on the way up….and you’re labelled for the summer. 🙂



      • I had a strange and life-changing experience at Briggs, 1991. I was there for a couple of weeks, took an outtrip to mark some portages further north, came back for regular duty and on my first day back, we were all clearing campground near temagami when i began to feel very strange. i thought it was fatigue from the outtrip. suddenly, i collapsed into a violent seizure, dislocating both shoulders. i was moved a hostipal in temiskaming, then airlifted to Burlington to be with my family. so began a life as an epileptic. things are under control now, but that was where it all began. raking gravel with my junior ranger troop.

        i have only vague memories of the camp. morning routines. a court-ordered attendee named Warlock. another whose tear ducts wouldn’t flush properly, so he was always blinking and rinsing his eyeballs. Pete McKee I remember vividly. he found me reading a biography of Jack Kerouac on my bed one day and he said something like, “Kerouac. That was one messed up dude.”

        I’m 38. i will never forget those days, as faint as they grow, half-obliterated by time and the effects of that first seizure.


      • Hey Jeff. I was at Briggs camp in Temagami 1979 to 1980. They called me Chemical. I was a little squirrelly back then. Loved those summers and even fell in love with a girl ranger in Kap Kig a Wan. Unfortunately me and my team were run off that road to the camp by a crazy driver and we crashed. I ended up going home and didn’t get to see my ranger girl again for the next 30 years. Fate brought us back together again in 2010 and now we are happily married living the dream near Goderich, On.
        That ranger program was the best thing that happened for so many teens finding themselves. I hope they can some day bring it back.

      • Best wishes to you and your significant other, whoever she may be. I was a Jr. Sub at Kap-kigiwan in l979. I had a few things to learn about living with others that summer, so, my apologies to her if she was affected. All of the girls at that camp were wonderful people, funny, athletic, musically inclined. In addition to meeting you, I hope that she has fond memories of the camp.

  25. Great to see these postings. I was a JR at South River the summer of 1980… memorable in retrospect b/c one camper went home for a weekend and saw Terry Fox do his run up near Sudbury. Would love to reconnect with those from that summer.

  26. I was a Junior Forest Ranger in 1967 on Bear Island on Lake Temagami. Back then they didn’t call it “BEAR” island for nothing. It was always an adventure just going to the outhouse at night, and a lot of the guys just wouldn’t, at least not without banging pots or cans together. There were 21 of us, mostly from big urban areas and bears had not been a common word they used alot. Not until that summer anyway. It was the greatest summer of my life and will never forget what we did, went through and learned. From clearing portages, putting out fires, building docks, flying in a MNR Otter bush plane and getting over my fear of heights by climbing the fire tower and taking pictures and all of this done in the middle of nowhere. Strangely enough planes were ok, but 80 foot tall ladders were another story. It was very cool to go to work by boat every morning. The cooks had our lunches made for the day and the lake was always alive with wildlife. Boating by a moose in the morning mist, sometimes swimming or just standing there in the marsh, to putting the run on bears we would come acoss on the trails we cleared. A great time and place to be young and feeling at home in the wilderness.

  27. I was a junior forest ranger at Killbear park around 76/ 77 I was wondering if anyone remembers the first regatta for the Bud Reekie cup . We won angainst another park but I would love to have a picture of all of us from then who made the Park so proud . Anyone that can help with a picture or any of my old comrades please feel free to contact me . bombaybobby01@yahoo.ca Thank You.

  28. Junior Ranger – 1965 – Sioux Lookout – Near Kenora. Large camp. We had barracks and excellent food. As most have attested I came back in great shape and played the best football season I ever had. As defensive linebacker I was double teamed by the opposition in many games.
    I have many black and white pictures from by visit, including those of the foreman. If anyone who was there in 65 wants to see the pictures let me know and I will scan and post them.
    You can contact me at drmackey@gmail.com

    • I was there in 63. Big Stan was the foreman and Mrs. Roy was the camp cook. Amazing food. I think we were the original occupants of that camp. We built a diving tower of the rocks behind the camp. Every once in a while they would bus girls in from Sioux Lookout for a dance. Mrs. Roy had a lovely daughter named Georgette who became my weekend date for the remainder of the summer. I was a very happy guy and have very fond memories of that summer.

      cheers. M.P.

      • Hi guys, I was there in 68, I don’t remember anyone except the camp foreman, an older fellow who chain smoked. We took a couple of flights out in a turbo beaver, awesome, inspired me to get a pilots licence. There was a multihole shitter behind the baseball diamond. We played against a camp from Dryden. Love to see any photos from the camp. Do you know if the camp still exists? If so, where?

      • Hello: I was initially scheduled in to be a J.R. at Ojibwa Prov. Park (now Cedarbough) in Sioux Lookout as well. However, the day we arrived, they shipped us up to Pakwash Prov. Park in the back of a stake truck. That summer became the best experience in my life. The food was great, the air was fresh, the fishing was fab and the memories still linger after 50 years. If you read this, send me a reply about your experience back in ’63 at Sioux lookout. (Al Avery, former J.R. at Pakwash, 1963.)

  29. Sarah Hicks from Moose Lake ’86 to ’95. What a pleasure to read all of these posts. Such happy happy happy memories. Glad the program lives on.

    • Kewl moose lake my sister was there in 1987, Amber Woods and I was there in1989, Kristen, most awesome experiences of my life, most memorable sun bathing on the docks and mooning at Killarney lol…..fun times

  30. Dave G formerly from North Bay. I was a Junior Forest Ranger when they called us that at Klotz Lake about 25 km east of Longlac, Ontario in 1961. We had to pay our own transportation to get there which ate into the profits but it was a great summer. There were about 2 dozen of us in two barracks and we spent a lot of time brushing the campsites at KL Provincial Park (Is it still there?), hauling out the garbage and building a dock. Occasionally we would get into Longlac and even Geraldton to see the sights riding in the box of the pickup truck.
    I saw a Facebook page with around 30 of our names in it today.

    • Dave

      I too was a J.R. at Klotz Lake, but 6 years later, for the summer of 1967. I was just 16 years old but somehow managed to make the cut.

      In March of 1967 I received my Queen’s Scout rank from Boy Scouts Canada and was offered the opportunity to participate with the Boy Scouts role at Expo 67 in Montreal. My parents applied for the Junior Ranger program for that summer as well in case the Expo duty did not materialize. As it turned out, the Expo duty was only for 3 weeks in order to give as many scouts an opportunity at the Expo experience. The Junior Ranger program required a commitment for the full summer so I chose to go to northern Ontario instead of a large urban city for Expo. While my boy scout troop mates went to Expo I have always believed that I made the smarter choice. A very odd choice at the time because unlike all of my fellow J.R.’s, I did not live in an urban area but lived in farm country of the Ottawa Valley. So for me living and working in the wilds of Ontario was nothing new for me. While all of the “city guys” were somewhat challenged to be in the wilds of Ontario, I felt right at home despite being a year younger than everyone else.

      I do remember that all the J.R.’s in my Klotz Lake camp had a nickname ……seems from reading the comments on this page it was common in J.R. camps……..and being the youngest one in camp …….my nickname was as you might expect from the imagination of 17 year old guys……….Junior

      I took the CNR train from Ottawa to Toronto to Sudbury ending up in Longlac. By 1967 there were 3 bunk houses and a new toilet and shower cabin. Like you we spent one week at Klotz Lake doing maintenance at KL Recreation Area….not a full provincial park …..which is no longer there. Every second week we would be transported in the box of the big truck to the tree planting camp where lived in tents with plywood floors and planted tube seedlings for Lands and Forests reforestation. I can’t remember the name of the tree planting lake, however, it had amazing Pickerel fishing which our First Nation’s cook prepared perfectly.

      During our last week of the summer we did an overnight trip to Flint Lake. There is a photo of the ranger camp at Klotz Lake on Goggle Maps showing a photo icon. If you can’t locate it you can e-mail me and I will be happy to send it to you. You mention a Facebook page ……please send me that link so that I can check it out.

      When my brother approached 17 years, he too was offered the J.R. experience but declined.

      I there are any other Klotz Lake J.R.’s from 1967 ……I’d welcome e-mails


      • Hi Richard,
        I am fairly familiar with that photo. I shot it and a few others one morning before anyone else was up. I still have a few pictures of the guys, the lake and the fire tower along the road to Longlac, and several black & white postcards showing the old views of Longlac and Geraldton. I had a nickname too — Fang, the result of a minor accident involving a pike pole and a visit to the dentist. Our foreman was Dave (last name?) and I recall that he had some concerns about whether that camp would still be active the following year, so it’s interesting to find out that it was still in operation in 1967.
        Dave G

      • I was at Klotz Lake in the summer of 67, and passed by the JR campsite Nov. 13/17 on a trip to Thunder Bay. It was a warm fall and the Lake was still open, but a little too cool for swimming! Looks like the lodge on the hill on the opposite side of the road has taken over the JR campsite, out to the point. They have expanded their operation on the hill with new facilities. Passed by Flint River Road where we cleared brush and kicked stones off the road all the way to the Flint Lake tourist camp. A great way to break in a new set of boots! The Flint Lake camp has also expanded and can be easily seen across the Lake. A lot of forest has been cut along the highway at the camp turnoff on #11, where the gravel pit was.

        About ten years ago I went into the KL Provincial Park site and you could still drive the paved roads and get into the beach area that we cleared. A lot of brush was down across the roads however.

        Not much has changed in Longlac, although the population has shrunk as the mills closed. We were at McLeod Lake Prov. Park once on our visit to Geraldton. The area around the McLeod Mine has been recleared and some company is looking at developing an open pit Gold mine.

        I recall riding the Thames van, driven wildly by our camp leader! Never had a hankering to ride another Thames after that! I seem to remember singing along to many Lightfoot songs that summer, especially Early Morning Rain, as one of the guys in our bunkhouse brought his guitar along.

        I remember the first night in the bunkhouse being awake to the sound of one of the guys moaning in his sleep at 2 am. Turned out everyone else was awake and we all had a good laugh the next day. The last evening of the summer ended with a blueberry pie eating contest on the dock. We ended up wearing most of the pie!

        It was 50 years this past summer since we had out great Northern adventure, and senility has not set in yet! I can still see the crew and camp in my mind! I guess we started out as a bunch of softies in the first two weeks, as we had no hot shower facilities in a damn cool
        July. Lots of celebration when the new wash house had the hot water installed part way through the summer!

        Graham Gambles
        Haileybury, Ontario

      • Graham

        you name is familiar but I don’t have a face for the name

        I also was a JR at Klotz Lake the summer of 67 Everyone ended up getting a nick name……somehow I ended up with “Junior”…..maybe because I was 16 and not 17 years old

        I don’t remember a lot of the nick names……”Pickles” comes to mind ….also “Dad” ….a tall guy who smoked a pipe

        I slept in the first bunk on the left for the front door…….beside the kerosene heater

        I do remember that we went to an over night camp out across Klotz Lake sleeping in a tent

        I also remember the tree planting camp living in tent cabins and fishing for pickerel and the native cook making the fish for our dinner…….the best fish I’ve ever eaten and still a favourite

        the best summer job EVER !

  31. My youngest daughter Kelly has just gone off to the Ranger program at Sleeping Giant. Oldest daughter Lauren did the same program in 07 at Killarney. She regularly has get togethers with colleagues from there. I experienced the L&F JR program at then new Briggs Camp in Temagami.back in 1970. It’s interesting to see how things have evolved. We were only required to have leather boots and in the orientation manual it said “if you’ve lost your orientation in the bush sit down on a rock and roll a cigarette”. We were all issued axes and forest fire axes (a mattox look alike) and chopped trees all day. Now I see the sharpest implement anyone gets to play with is a Sandvik brush hook and everytime the temperature climbs to 28 work stops. I have fond memories of that summer and unfortunately have had to attend a funeral of one of my colleages already.

    Bert van Ingen

  32. I was a JR at Wildgoose Lake near Geralton in 1974, what a great time , lots of growing up during those times ! lol

  33. Hi all,
    I was a jr. Ranger in 1968,at Rogers Lake camp,west of Hearst.I had many great memories of the experience,and even got sprayed by agent orange.I liked it so much,I went back the next year with my mom,and we went fishing,for a week.The camp foreman lost his job because of letting a jr ranger drive the truck,but all the staff were excellent.I would recommend it to anyone.

  34. Might as well sign in…

    I was at Samuel de Champlain in 1969 while all of my friends went to Woodstock and the Americans landed on the moon. Holy crap, that was a long time ago.

    My nickname was “Farmer”. (Not the other little Farmer, I was the big one)

    • Hi Denis: I also was at Samuel de Champlain Park but a year later in 1970. Watched Woodstock the movie in North Bay. Had a blast. Best summer ever. Saturday night was fight night in Mattawa as we were preferred by the local girls over the town guys. We had a big flood that year and the bridge turned over due to the high water. I was directly involved in a rescue of a family from the river. Mother, daughter and son were saved but the uncle was swept down river. I can still see him as he went under. It was a great experience altogether. Names i remember were Bunny Gauthier our leader, Moonbeam and VD. I was know as Batman. Everyone had a nickname. We even got to paddle the large voyageurs canoe into Mattawa for the Voyageurs Day celebration. Recently my brother-in-law and myself canoed from Trout Lake to Mattawa. Beautiful country. Would love to hear from other Champlain 70 JR’s

      • I got your email a while ago, thought I would write you back. Yeah, what a blast ! Our major projects in 1969 were pretty varied. We dug the trench for the drinking water line from Long Lake down to the campground. That was about half a mile long,18″ deep through a lot of rock and rubble. We also dug the hole at the ranger camp kitchen for the septic tank. Lots of tree planting, fire fighter training, campsite construction and we built a causeway somewhere. That was fun. We would carry a big rock into a swamp, drop it, go back to the leech station to have all the bloodsuckers removed, then go back for another rock. Good work, if you can get it.

        That was the summer the retired warden finished building that big canoe. He brought it down to the water and had a bunch of us sit in it so he could mark any leaks for repair. I guess I was one of the first guys ever. My wife and I went camping their last summer, my first time back. The canoe is in the park museum. I actually teared up when I saw it. Sure brought back a wave of wonderful memories.

  35. Douglas Prier

    1974 in Ivanhoe Provincial Park, Foleyet Ont. What a way to spend the summer. If time could be turned back, I would do it over and over again. Glad to see so many others enjoyed the last teenage summer of their life the way I did. That year taught me plenty. Highly recommend it to all boys or girls. Does anyone still have their black hard hat?
    Nickname: Nimrod

    • Hi Doug,
      I was a Jr Ranger in Ivanhoe Provincail park during the summer of 1976. Best summer ever, Played baseball, fished and worked in the park. Best job was on the garbage truck, All of us took a trip into Timmins,Had my first Molson export in this old Timmins bar,

      Steve Ouellette.
      Nickname, I cannot remember.

  36. 1957-1969.I was never a Juniour Ranger but mom was a cook and dad was a Foreman (Theresa and Aime Dufour)at Ivanhoe Lake Provincial Park;I Had a great time and will cherish it for ever….mike.

    • Hi Mike. I was at Ivanhoe in 1962 . I remember your Dad and Mom well. Your Dad shot a black bear (at the camp sites) and I still have a tooth. The neatest think was it turned us into men, We started with 20, buy the end o the summer it was 12 . Home sick was the reason. I remember your Dad put us to work when we arrived! Was the best summer of my life.

      John Tiley

  37. Restoule 1984. Most amazing summer. Still think of the other guys and the girls from McConnell Lake

  38. And I was a JR in 1968 at Achray, to say that it was a great summer would be an understatement. I’d do it all over again with the same guys, same cook (Mabel) and the same foreman (Terry, Mike and Bob) at the same place. As I sit here writing this I distinctly recall how we had the camp scared s—less because of the bear roaming among the cabins, actually it was our cabin horsing around, scratching window screens with lite cigarettes as eyes. Unbelievable great summer. Nobody could pronounce my name, everybody called me Dutch

  39. This year marks the 35th Anniversary of my stay at the Sandbar Lake JR Camp. I still hold this as a dear memory as it was one – if not the – best summers of my life. I want to get back in touch with the ’77 Sandbar Lake (Ignace) JR’s. It has been too long guys. Time to get in contact and let each other how we have fared since that 2-month journey throughout the Sandbar Lake area wilderness.

    Please contact me, Rik Hudson at rhudson@powergate.ca.


    • My apologies for not being back on this site for a while- Doug Stretton was one of our foremen from 1983. He was a great guy. The other foreman was the opposite- a complete dick – his name was Andy, I think his last name started with a K

  40. I was a junior ranger in 1977 in South River Ontario. I have learned a lot that summer. We did compete against other camps and had a great time. We did a canoe trip thru Round lake and North Tea Lake. That was quite the experience. I am still in touch with a few people from back then. It is amazing to hear all your stories. I wonder where my fellow rangers are now. Thanks for this blog.
    Irene(Frenchie) Yep we did all have nicknames that summer.

  41. I was a junior ranger 1983 in hearst,i wasn’t at rogers but can’t remember my camp name.Everybody called me wilt so if there anybody out there that knows the camp name or me post a message on this site.

    • Alzheimer’s can strike at any moment…so what? Jr’s have experiences(mostly caused by badly distilled -fermented alcohol ) but then there are great things that happen because of wonderful people,unimaginable places.I had a great time at Roger’s(just west of Hearst)(1968) and I would not change a thing.I had such a good time that I took my mom there,Roger’s Lake road,the next year(1969).And we fished.My mom recalled that summer ’till she died.,as one of those lifetime moments

    • 1983, Camp Arnott in Hearst. I remember you Mike, we played chess a few times, you were too advanced for me.

      It was a good time, there was no hope I would be invited back for a second year.

      • On second thought, you were my roommate, Mike, I was thinking of another JR up there for chess. Hope all is well, I’m doing fine.

      • how are you doing where are you living now it would be great if we could get together sometime with some of the guys

  42. Anyone here from Mijin Lake first girls JR program 1973? We were just south of Wawa. Fantastic summer! Difficult to remember any last names though to reconnect – except Olivia Chow is memorable and of course difficult to reach now.

    • McConnell Lake 1978– Will never forget that summer and still keep in touch with good friends from way back then.

      • Hi there Margaret, I remember you very well! It was the best summer ever. I still get Christmas cards from Doug the “bear boy”. Would love to know who you still keep in touch with. I moved to Vancouver in ’89 and have not kept in touch with anyone…i still bring out the photos once in a while and remember the happy times.
        Gabrielle -Gaby

      • Hi Gaby,

        I was there in ’78. Randy was the foreman. Burt and also Louise Elliott were the subs. Chris and Kim were the junior subs. I do remember the “Bear” boys and also the Boulter boys!
        Many wonderful memories!

      • Hi there Margaret, Well isn’t this a blast from the past. As a parent of 2 teenage boys I’ve been remembering fondly my time as a teenager and have bored them both to death with stories of life as a Junior Ranger. They refuse to believe that it was one of the best summers of my life! So how have you been I wonder. I have kept in touch with Doug – the Bear boy – he is married with 2 grown up boys and lives in Red Lake ON. We exchange Christmas cards and the occasional e-mail. Wish I know how to reach Adele Contam……I`ve been in Vancouver for 25 years now, enjoying the beautiful west coast. would love to hear from you and any news on the `class of 78
        Take care

    • Hi Julie – I spent half a summer at Mijin in ’75. We started at Hobon Lake north of Wawa then half way through the summer, they switched us with the Mijin girls to give us park experience and them – bush experience. Mijin is gone – they mover the whole camp down to Beaver Rock – lucky kids!!!

      • HI Debbie, Did you have Clarke and Marge (husband and Wife) as your Camp Foreman and cook? They were like grandparents to us. I went back many times. Beaver Rock is long gone – they actually pulled that beautiful lodge and several of the cabins into Lake Superior and burned them rather than spend money to fix it up. Last time I went to Beaver Lodge there was someone from the ministry renting a little house they built there but it was a pretty sorry shack and garbage eveerywhere. I guess you can never go back. Great memories though! Our foreman would take us there on Sundays to picnic and swim. We were often in the bush working everyday but sometimes we got to do beach or campsite detail. We got to do a week of really deep-woods canoe tripping and build portages with an excellent subforeman, Vic.

      • I was a JR in ’81 at Obatanga and we used to visit Hobon and go swimming, etc. Used to be a big problem then with black bears swimming across the lake. The foreman used to shoot one rifle shot in the air and they would turn right back around.

      • Hi Janet! Wow – so nice to hear from someone that spent time in the same places as myself (and obviously loved it as much). Yes – Clark and Marge ran our camp while I was at Mijin. But I spent half my summer out at Hobon Lake as well. We had a dance/BBQ with the guys at Obatanga. When did it become a girls camp? That’s so sad about the lodge at Beaver Rock – but they told us when we were there that there was too much damage to the foundation to save it so I’m not surprised to hear from you that it was torn down. Beaver Rock had become a JR camp for a short time. I just loved that place. Wish I could have won the lottery and saved it!

      • Hi Debbie, I’m not sure when Obatange became a girls camp. That’s funny because I thought it always was that way. We had our dances/BBQs with the guys from White Lake Camp a few times that summer in ’81. Lots of fun. We went to their camp as well and they even had an outdoor sauna if you can believe it. We, on the other hand, had to take cold showers at our camp. Did you ever go to the mud pits for fun on your days off? That was a highlight of the summer for sure. So many great memories of the far north.

      • lol – we had a big get together with the White Lake boys too. They kind of had a competition with the Obatanga guys to see who got to see us more! White Lake guys even came into Wawa on our days in town! What a summer that was.

    • Hi Julie, I was at Mijin Lake JR camp the summer before it became a girls camp. Nice to see Mijin Lake mentioned. I went back there several years later and all that was left was a pipe sticking out of the ground. Broke my heart! I only remember one of our supervisor’s name it was Clark. Elderly guy and his wife was the camp cook.

  43. Shoals 1980- Great summer of canoe tripping, cleaning outhouses and clearing huge trees for a new camp, armed with axes and buck-saws and not smart enough to know what could go wrong for a group of 17 year old city boys!

    Woke up nostalgic this morning after watching “Apocalypse Now” last night. What could the connection be between JR’s and the war in Vietnam ? “The Horror. The Horror”…not at all. I was reminded of our final Jamboree with 5 other camps and our explosive entrance from our green vans with sliding doors like the Air Cav of the Vietnam war. I stood on a hill, playing “Charge” on my trumpet (why I brought my horn up there I have no idea?) as our vans stormed into the opening ceremonies. The boys did rolls out of the doors and launched water balloons at the other campers creating a near riot with the other camps. It was the start of one of the greatest weekends of my young life. Beach volley-ball, Frisbee chucking, baseball, canoe races, wood cutting, foot races were among the events. After 2 months of steady work, it was an awesome time to compete against the “6′ 4″ Blond, blue-eyed Swedes, from Wrong Lake” as we called them, to meet girls like that cute red-head I’d been too shy to talk to at an earlier visit with one of the girls camps and to ultimately be a goofy 17 year old!

    Here are a few highlights of my summer …. Our disgusting homemade “Mr. Bill” super 8 movie, navigating white water rapids, playing sports at every opportunity, slathering our clothes with litres of Deet to fight off clouds of mosquitos, eating more food at breakfast than I’d ever imagined and felling my first tree, second tree and on and on. Great memories.

    Would love to hear from any others who from our camp.

    • hey dave how are you my name is blair crawford i too was at shoals in 1980 awesome summer. good to hear your comments it sure was a memerable time.

  44. I was at an old lumber camp near Wawa back in 1983. We girls saw the movie Flash Dance!! We did a lot of bush clearing, garbage cleaning and worked the ditches along the TransCanada highway.

    • Hi Linda, Which camp were you at? I was at Obatanga Provincial Park near Wawa in 1981. Yes, those ditches along the TransCanada were something else! Everything you could imagine, we found.

      • Is that hornibrook formely of either etobicoke fire or Toronto fire?

        Sent from my iPhone

        On Jul 8, 2013, at 11:51 AM, Golbing wrote:

        > >

  45. My father John Wright was a junior ranger in 1967 at Wrong Lake as with everyone else it was one of the best summers of his life. Now he still continues camping and canoeing. He hope everyone of that year is still okay. He met great people there and had a great time, even when the bear chased him from the kitchen and across the baseball diamond.

  46. Amazing! i was at Kiosk in 1992, easily the best summer of my life! Still close friends with Erin McDonald and in touch with Heidi Muroff, Sarah Morphy, Cynthia Hill, Jenny Burns and Anne-Marie Kontakos. Would love to hear from some of the girls from that summer. Sad to see that they only have 13 camps in operation now.

  47. I work for the MNR and am compiling information on the old JR Camps. If you have photos of the camps that no longer exist and could send them to me, it would be greatly appreciated. My email is elaine.bagnall@ontario.ca.

    • Elaine – if you happen to come across any photos of Briggs in Temagami….I’d appreciate getting copies!



  48. Theo Byrne (Lewis)

    I was a junior ranger at obatanga provincial park the summer of 1983, met some wonderful people, would be great to hear from some of you.

  49. Hi, my name is Roxane Mesman (nee Fillmore) and I was a Junior Ranger at Mink Lake, near Quetico Provincial Park. I am looking to connect with any of the girls from 1986 for a possible 30 year reunion in 2016. Calling all BEAR NECESSITIES! Selena, Frankie(Laura), LJ, Renee,Karen, Janet…..think i’m missing one but i’m not sure 🙂 were there only 7 of us in that group….and my roommate Vicki 🙂 reach me at roxane_mesman@live.com

    • Eh.. Roxane… Me hopes my home town of ATIKOKAN was welcoming to you back then.. Quetico Prov Park is BEAUTIFUL and I remember the Jr. Rangers made all the “DIFFERENCE” to the park in the peak summers. I also was a JR in 1975.. In Chapleau Ont. and had the BEST and I mean The BEST summer with warmest memories .. to this day , I thank you for all you did to Help the of Atikokan an we all appreciated how clean the JR worked for out Prov Parl.. MUCH THANKS FROM A OLD RESIDENT OF ATIKOKAN , Ontario

      Lee BeBareau

      • Lee…Atikokan was indeed welcoming, we all loved heading in to town on the Saturdays that we were in camp. Bought my first fishing rod at the local hardware store…a Zebco 400 🙂 Quetico is a beautiful park. I am hoping to get up that way in 2016 if not for a reunion then a family vacation. Take care 🙂

  50. I was a junior forest ranger in 1981 – it was in the tweed district – not sure what the camp was called. Can anyone share some light on what the camp was called and where it was located …..

  51. I was a junior ranger at Kettle Lakes park in 1977. The closest town was South Porcupine. Lots of hard work and lots of fun too. I recall only first names, but others at the camp were Chris (my roomie), Kathy, Hutch, Brita – and many others. I came home “glowing” at the end of that summer – amazing what the outdoors and hard work can do for the body and soul!

  52. I was at Pleasant Lake just outside of Espanola in ’72. A 40 year reunion is being held this year on October 13. It was a once in a lifetime experience never to be forgotten.

    • I assume you will be going. I look forward to someone getting our ’77 Sandbar Lake crew together. I am trying but have little luck so far. rhudson@powergate,ca if you come across any ’77 Ignace squad.

      • It was terrific. Six of us were there and several sent best wishes from all around as they could not be there in person.

    • I was at Pleasant Lake in 72 also? Great food , lots of fun , hated to leave . It’s to bad my grandson will not have the same oprotunity.

  53. Great Blog. I was a Junior Ranger stationed out of Achray in the summer of 1982. Truly the best summer of my life. Great crew, hard work and amazing scenery. Definitely understood the value of a dollar…$10/day if I remember.

    Can’t say I miss the KYBO work details, but I’m taking my teenage kids up there this summer to canoe from -Achray to the Barron canyon. We’ll see if those boxes are still standing….

  54. I volunteered at Racine Lake near Chapleau as an OMNR assistant working on the Black Bear Project with Martyn Obbard (and Rufus) and George Koleonosky (apologies for any spelling mistakes) from April til June 1993 whilst completing my studies.

    I came over from the UK – Hampshire in England, although was originally from Nottingham. Just wondering if any of the other (numerous) guys are listing on here. I remember Tanya (McGregor) but not the names of others. I have a few photos somewhere but am struggling to put names to faces!

    Fantastic experience up in the lakes. Beautiful setting, amazing wildlife, wonderful people. Unforgettable.

    • Eh there Alex .. I was a JR. Ranger in the same area.. the lake I can’t remember…1975/ twas the Greatest summer to say the least. were there at yor time 6 cams in the area .. 3 men’s and 3 girl’s> We swarmed Chapleau one week end and that to was a logistic nightmare with so many NEW FACES in the town.. .But always welcoming to JR. Rangers at all time.. were in the town.. 3 times in the summer. I too got $10.00 a day.. and at the end we got the 2000.00 bonus if we stuck the summer out.. so was that for yea all to ?
      Looking for others of this summers Years.. lets chat.. I think my camp too was WRONG LAKE

      • Hi lee, I was a jr ranger at racine lake in 1975 best summer ever. Fought a large forest fire that summer great experience.
        Steve Grant

      • Eh Grant….. yea some of the “Junior Rangers” did see such duties….I bet it was both Frightening and Exhilarating!!. Being in Manitoba now 30 yrs I am so out of touch…till I decided to Look up “Junior Rangers” and was saddened to see they are no longer being called that. But far more HORRIFIED the Ontario Gov’t wanting to drop the summer camps. I can’t help but think of my summer… and the ROCK and ROLL RIDE on VIA to TORONTO. My one regret is not having the camp picture taken, was lost in the many moves over the years.
        I wish some one would start scanning EVERY PICTURE…EVERY CAMP…EVERY YEAR…and Importance of thanking Ontario Gov’t that conceived this plan. Also I wish I could get a copy of my Camp Picture of Wrong Lake , outside Chapleau …1978. Still was the BEST SUMMER OF MY LIFE!!!!

  55. Diane (Farquhar) Corriveau

    I was a Junior Ranger in 1980 and it was one of the best summers of my life. I think often of all the girls from that time. So special. Yes we (worked) during that time but even then it was alot of fun. Would love to hear from anyone who knows any of the girls from the Moose Lake camp around Dorset. If you have any info please contact me at darylanddiane@gmail.com.

  56. craig Tice
    The year was 1974 and the place was Wrong Lake outside of Chapleau……40+ guys, lots of hard work , lots of fun times, Canoe trips, baseball and digging shit pits at Missinabi Park!!!!! Went back 30 years later (road trip with my son)… the camp is all gone, but the memories……and the Lake are still there!

    • Eh there Craigx .. I was a JR. Ranger in the same area.. the lake I can’t remember…1975/ twas the Greatest summer to say the least. were there at yor time 6 cams in the area .. 3 men’s and 3 girl’s> We swarmed Chapleau one week end and that to was a logistic nightmare with so many NEW FACES in the town.. .But always welcoming to JR. Rangers at all time.. were in the town.. 3 times in the summer. I too got $10.00 a day.. and at the end we got the 2000.00 bonus if we stuck the summer out.. so was that for yea all to ?
      Looking for others of this summers Years.. lets chat.. I think my camp too was WRONG LAKE
      Craig would like to tal to you .. if possible you were at the camp I was a YR before PLS contact me!!!

  57. What a great find this site is!! I was a Junior Ranger in the summer of 1981 at Obatanga Provincial Park up close to Wawa, ON. It is to date the best summer I have ever had in my whole life. I met so many great people, had so many amazing experiences, things that I had never done before – stocking fish ponds, building retaining walls, cutting down trees, clearing the highway of garbage, planting trees, cleaning up campsites deep in Lake Superior Park, flying in a 4-seater airplane over a gorge, going to the mud pits to play on our “day off”, etc. If anyone was a ranger there that summer, I would love to hear from you (janets100@hotmail.com). I still have my yellow helmet, and a box of memories tucked safely away. I have met several others over the years who also shared the same JR experience. It says a lot about a person I think to be able to do the things we did for $10/day, but totally worth the experience.

    • hi, my name is martial rivet and i worked at hobon in 1981. i was part of the timber crew that stayed there at the same time as the jr rangers. i was just out of college and this was the best summer i have ever had. we had fun and we taught the girls a lot about the goings on in the forest industry. i am writing to you if you would happen to know a ranger by the name of Jo Anne Gravelle that came from cornwall. i completely lost contact with her and would appreciate any info you might have on her whereabouts. my email is therivets@hotmail.com i thank you in advance for any info you might have.

  58. Bear Island, Lake Temagami,1965! It was a fantastic summer, good food, great bunch of guys, and $4.00 a day! Best of all was when we heard “Satisfaction” by the Stones for the first time on somebody’s transistor radio — WOW!!
    Anyone from that summer — would like to hear from you — duskysal@gmail.com

  59. I was a JR at Ivanhoe Provincial Park near Folyet in 1977. Our first job was cutting down trees, debarking them. and using them to build a fence around our compound. We used to walk a couple miles to a store outside the park to get a case of coke. I bought myself and my mom a pair of native mitts lined with rabbit fur and trimmed with beaver fur as souvenirs; she wore them to keep warm at my hockey games. The jamboree was the best time where we met up with the JR from Five Mile, Racine, Wakami, and Shoals Park and had competitions in fire line setup, canoeing, baseball, orienteering, and others. We had a bunch of us meet up at the CNE when we got home and a reunion a year or so later. My son just completed a summer as a Ranger at Wade Lake near Cochrane; he had a great time, two months paid work experience, and two school coop credits.
    I work in the Public Service now at the Public Health Laboratory in Toronto.

    • Briggs photos? Really? That’s awesome!

      I’d to see them if possible. Best summer of my life – started me on a much better path in life. Met the best dude ever there…sadly he passed away just last year.

      When were there?



  60. Hello….what an awesome find!!!! I was a JR in Timmins (Kettle Lakes) the summer of ’81.

  61. Hello .Everyone echos my same feelings ! I was at Lipsett Lake in ’79.I beleive the camp was sold a couple of times since. – “Shakespeare”

  62. Hello, I was a Ranger at Esker Lakes in 88′. Was the best summer of my life so far. Started off with meeting a fellow Ranger in Cobourg (Michelle), she stuck by my side because it was my first time away from home and boy did Union Station scarred the heck out of me. We were one of three camps on the train, one going to Tamogami (not sure of the spelling) and the boys going to Burt Lake. I turned exactly 17 on the that trip. A few girls went home with in the first few weeks and two were their replacements. Sandvicks are really sharp as I found out put one in the toe of my work boot, thank the lord for steel toes. Got called a lilly dipper, hey I found the wild life just a little more interesting lol. The dance with the Burt Lake Boys, and actually skipping a record and getting trouble for doing it (with Christine), having a seceret santa that gave me wine gums which are now one of my favs. Working at a fish hatchery, lots of laughs, spilling my roast beef and gravy on my lap and aquiring the nick name Spaz for the rest of the summer. Finding out that sound really does travel accross water. Me coming accross the bear while picking up garbage on camp clean up, again scarred the crap out of me. Flying for the first time, climbing the mountain, fish hatchery, Adams mind, bleaching rock, planting trees, so many memmories with a great bunch of girls, three of which I still talk to and one is my best friend. I am hopeing the program last so that my daughter can apply when she is 17.
    Next summer (2013) it will be 25 years since I was a Ranger. Michelle Schumann (now Kerrigan (the girl I met in Cobourg))and I want to see if we can find as many of the girls that we can and have a reunion, so if anyone is or knows of anyone that was a Junior Ranger at Esker Lakes Provincial Park in 1988 could you let them know or give them my email address tracybeyer@hotmail.com, I am also on facebook under Tracy Cochrane Beyer.

    • You might be interested in the Friends of the Ontario Rangers Facebook page; they have a whole pile of photos and stories from Esker; you might even see yourself there:

      Posted by Friends of the Ontario Ranger Program on Wednesday, August 15, 2012

    • I was a Ranger this past year at Esker, Its funny to read your comment, knowing I went to the exact same places and did the same things such as secret Santa, bleaching rocks, and climbing that mountain! Such a blast!

    • Hi Tracy, I was a ranger at Burt Camp but 10 years before you. We worked on steps down to a beach area in our camp, made a dock to swim off of, cleared portages, visited fish hatcheries and a gold mine as well as clearing around jack pines with sandviks. I even bought one years later because it worked so good. I remember the gals coming over from their camps for a type of jamboree. I fell for a couple of the girl supervisors just a little older. I was passed a note just before boarding the train back south that one liked me but never mentioned anything. Life can be cruel. Those were some pretty fun times we all had. I’ve still got pictures that I took. Too bad there isn’t a place where I can upload them to.

      • Daniel: You can upload your pictures onto an album on the Friends of the Ontario Ranger Program facebook page, site, whatever it’s called.There are tons of Burt Lake, and Esker Lakes pictures in those albums. Most of them are from l980 to 2012, but there are plenty of stories from earlier times. Gwen H., Cashel Lake, ’78, Kap kig iwan ’79, Esker Lakes ’80.

  63. Anyone from Sioux Lookout camp in 1963 out there? Stan (with the Ukraniun alphabet last name) was the foreman and Mrs Roy was the camp cook. I don’t think Stan liked his job. Mrs. Roy on the other hand put out great meals. Our crew flew into Pickle Lake for a week or so where I managed to have my hand stitched up by a vet as there was no local doctor available. No anesthetics either. Could it get any better?

  64. Little Wenebegon Lake, near Chapleu, in ’84 On an out-trip I slept in mud and am a better man for it.

    • Eh there Blake .. I was a JR. Ranger in the same area.. the lake I can’t remember…1975/ twas the Greatest summer to say the least. were there at yor time 6 cams in the area .. 3 men’s and 3 girl’s> We swarmed Chapleau one week end and that to was a logistic nightmare with so many NEW FACES in the town.. .But always welcoming to JR. Rangers at all time.. were in the town.. 3 times in the summer. I too got $10.00 a day.. and at the end we got the 2000.00 bonus if we stuck the summer out.. so was that for yea all to ?
      Looking for others of this summers Years.. lets chat.. I think my camp too was WRONG LAKE Memory is jogging.. Little Wenebegon.. also sounds familiar to me

    • I was at Racine Lake, near Chapleau in ’84. After a five day canoe trip we ended up stranded in the rain in a town called Elsas, with no roads and population of 16. We hid out under our canoes and ended being flown out by helicopter. Amazing summer!
      Go Raiders!

      • Dave, May interest you. I was the Sr. Fire Officer in Chapleau and with pilot John Hall in the big Bell 205 we were doing an inspection of our weather station at Elsas when we over heard the fact the Otter could not pick you JR’s up until the following day. John & I picked your crew up and flew you down the river system to Racine. I remember it must have been a great experience for boys 17 yr. old. I was a Junior Ranger in 1964 and it was that experience that I pursued a career in Forest Fire Management. It is very unfortunate the Ont. Govt. cancelled the program.

      • Doug, interesting as we were “socked in” on our canoe trip (to a lake up the river from Whitefish Falls) during my JR summer of ’67, at Barclay Bay. The DHC-2T (CF-DEC) couldn’t make it in and we ran out of food. The DHC-6 only started development in 1964.

        Where did you located in ’64, as a JR? Great memories for all involved. I ended up in ATC at YYZTWR.

      • At first we were in Upsala then one morning two Otter AC dropped in and we switched camps and went to Northern Light Lake down near the boarder SW of Thunder Bay. Much better camp and more interesting work and scenery.

      • Forgot to mention, we ended up, in 4 canoes, paddling the middle of Big Missinabi Lake in the rain…you’d probably be aware of that lake in rough weather. Spent my Senior summer at Wrong Lake with the memorable Jerry McAuley and his brother Butch. Great memories!
        Beautiful country up Thunder Bay way. Are you still with MNR? jgpag@hotmail.com

      • I took the early retirement when they offered it and that was a good move. Was up to Big Miss.
        Lake few years ago Kayaking. Was interested in seeing it after the Forest Fires went through in ’86 & ’95. We used the JR Camp in ’86 as the Fire Base Camp but all torn down now. The fires actually benefited the area after the spruce budworm went through the area.

      • Is the dock, across the lake from the fire camp, by the DL&F boathouse, still there? I’ve pics of our crew building that in ’67. Also, would you have been in Chapleau when 69-8 burned towards the town. Think it came up to 2 miles from the town. Were Joe Clifford and Jim “Slim” Taylor still with DL&F, in Chapleau, when you started? I almost changed directions, in ’68 and headed to Sir Sandford Fleming (Lindsay).

      • Doug, it was definitely a great experience for us. Thanks for the rescue!

      • I remember you Dave. I’m Frank Watson. Do you remember me. I’m the junior ranger that had already had a kid with my sister. We ended up having 3 kids altogether. Of course their all grown up now and married within the family. Inbred kids is just fine, no matter what folks say. I know as I am one. Anyway. Is y’all ever get up to Keswick, Ontario, drop by the legion hall and say hello, as I’m always there at 12 noon for another day O drinkin. Cheers, Frankie.

        Sent from my iPhone

      • Your Welcome & no that’s not me with the Chapleau Bell 205 Helicopter.

      • Doug, Garry Paget here (we have a short thread nearby)…Barclay Bay JR in 1967 & Wrong Lake SR in ’68. Our JR group built the dock at the L&F boathouse near the Wilderness Park. Was it still there the last time you were on Big Miss? Would love to believe it is still there.

    • I was there in 79 – 80. Wonder if our sign was still up. Yep canoe trip caught on the lake in a thunder storm, everything soaking. Amazing time of my life.

  65. Very sad news today, the Ontario Ranger/Junior RangerProgram has been cancelled. If you take a look at this fb page it gives you some info but if you can write to McGuinty telling him what a wonderful program it is that would be great.


    get the word out there!!!!

    • Yet another rediculous move by the McGuinty Liberals to show they are “fiscally responsible.” Not! I am deeply disturbed by this move. Where are tomorrow’s natural resources professionals going to “cut their teeth” as they enter the feild? What a bonehead move – much like scuttling the “Slots at Racetracks Program” which infused the government with $1.5billion annually and drives a multi-billion dollar economy, located mostly in the rural areas of the province. Ahah – that’s it! Because the Ontario Ranger Program and SARP do not affect the Liberal strong-hold, aka Toronto, the Liberals are hacking away at these basic and essential programs.

  66. Oh so sad to hear about this impending cut to a truly wonderful program. Sadly, the powers that be will never understand what impact this had on the futures of hundreds of 17 year olds, that is of course unless they were a JR themselves.
    I’ll never forget it.

    Sita Ahuja, Ivanhoe 1983

    • Eh there Sita .. I was a JR. Ranger in the same area.. the lake I can’t remember…1975/ twas the Greatest summer to say the least. were there at yor time 6 cams in the area .. 3 men’s and 3 girl’s> We swarmed Chapleau one week end and that to was a logistic nightmare with so many NEW FACES in the town.. .But always welcoming to JR. Rangers at all time.. were in the town.. 3 times in the summer. I too got $10.00 a day.. and at the end we got the 2000.00 bonus if we stuck the summer out.. so was that for yea all to ?
      Looking for others of this summers Years.. lets chat.. I think my camp too was WRONG LAKE
      Memory jogging.. another one IVANHO one of the female camps in the Chapleau 6 pls get back.. some memories … coming forth

  67. I was a jr. Ranger in 1977 at Beaver Rock in Wawa. Would love to hear from any other gals! Wondering if the camp is still there? Located on an absolutely beautiful beach,as i can remember. What a great bunch of girls, had wonderful, fun adventure!

    • Hi Diane! I was thrilled to see your post. I found an old xmas card from Cecile Poullet of Parry Sound and started searching for JRs and Beaver Rock when I came across this. Yes the beach and camp were beautiful. I have pictures! Maybe one of you. Actually I have a group photo of everyone and a letter that the ministry sent in February 1978 as a memento for my “participation in the Wawa District’s 1977 Junior Ranger Program”. Found my way back to the camp about 20 years later. There were some ministry employees staying in one of the buildings. They were so happy to meet a former JR. The bunkhouse we stayed in was condemned. I’m not sure if the historical society saved those log cabins or not. Anyway what a fantastical summer. I will never forget our beautiful camp, Lake Superior Provincial Park, Hobon, the train trip through Agawa Canyon, the rock concert in Sault St. Marie…
      I would love to share my photos with you and any of the other girls I hope to hear from.

  68. I was a Jr Ranger stationed at Rough Rock Lake north of Minaki in 1971. It was an amazing summer with a lot of great guys. Turned us from boys into men by the end of summer. Hope the guys are all still out there and doing great. Anyone from the Minaki camp from that year know what happened to “God”, Cookie and Fred?

    • I was just looking at the few photographs from my summer at Rough Rock in 1971. Such a long, long time ago.

  69. Class of ’73 here, McConnell Lake, first year women were admitted. Life-changing, life-enhancing. Favourite memories include the Saturday bus trips into North Bay – the place was crawling with JRs (guys!) from camps all round. Great Mattawa River canoe trip end of season. Love to all Junior Rangers everywhere.

    • Bob Craig – Class of 72 here. What a great summer. In fact a friend I had met there and I drove up to the camp in 73 and spent an afternoon there so may have met you. Same here…trip along the Mattawa, old school bus to North Bay every Saturday afternoon. Great memories

  70. For those of you who don’t know, the Ontario Ranger Program (Junior Ranger before) was cut by the government this September. I would please ask anyone who was a former Ranger, Partner, or even just a supporter to go to this website and fill out the membership, so we can record past members of the program as well as the many supporters. http://friendsoftheorp.com/membership.htm Leave a comment and let them know about your experience! Thanks

    • wow! what more to say! every one has the same opinion.. Best Time Ever
      I was at Ft. LaCloche and JR2 in Espanola. both years were awsome!1985&86

  71. I was a Ranger at Restoule in 78. Best summer of my life .. who could forget the hikes up to the fire tower or the days canoeing doing water samples. Made a lot of friends with the girls from Sam de Cham ( I believe) or was it Kiosk? Really enjoyed the ride in the Twin Otter and the occasional trip into North Bay.
    Anybody remember seeing Sha Na Na or going to the Big NIckle mine?

    • Hi Andrew,

      I was a JR at McConnell Lake near North Bay in 1978. We were the only girls’ camp in the area. The guys’ camps were Boulter, Restoule and Samuel de Champlain and they all stopped by for visits and we would also hang out in North Bay on Saturdays. No doubt we met at some point. It was definitely one of the best summers of my life.

  72. QUEENS PARK TORONTO JANUARY 4TH 2013 AT 1:30 PM-2 PM RALLY TO HELP SAVE THE RANGER PROGRAM, if you have ever been a ranger you know the importance of keeping this program running!

    • Hi Shannon:I just found out yesterday and signed the online petition. Ms. Wynn seems to me to be the kind of person who would’ve liked the program to have taken part in her youth, so maybe there’s hope. I’ll do what I can from over here this summer. GH, Halifax

      • Gwen, you may know my wife. She was at Kap Kig a wan in 1979 and 1980. Her name is Shari Lemieux . If this rings a bell, contact me on my personal email. Do I have a story for you.

      • My heavens yes I remember her! She was a riot, and just the sweetest person. I have a picture of her posing in the back of the pick-up truck during the usual Saturday morning clean-up, and a couple of more serious ones as well. I was so, so, lucky to be living and working with her and the others. Goderich is a beautiful area. If it’s possible for me to access your email account through this site, I’m afraid that I don’t know how to do so. I’m not totally tech. literate.

      • My direct email is ghochheimer@hotmail.com. I’d like to hear the story and I’d like to hear what Shari’s second summer at Kap kig iwan was like, especially who the Ranger Staff and other MNR staffers were. Our foreman (foreperson) in l979 faced some challenges, not from the Rangers, but from Ministry Personnel. I also have something I’d like to ask you. Thanks.

  73. I was at Wild Goose Lake, Geraldton in 1968. Anybody else out there from that year and locale. Great reading all the posts and it really was one of those milestones in your life that you remember forever. Too bad about the cancellation. We should all send a response to our MPP on this one. Maybe they’ll replace it with a virtual web site that can let you work and canoe from your keyboard 😦

  74. Whitefish Lake, Algonquin Park summer of 1967. A terrific way to spend a summer ! We had tents with wooden floors and 3 ft. plywood sides . Awful drive in from the main road through Algonquin. The bus had no shocks and I’m surprised none of us got injuured when the axes on the floor in the back went flying every time we hit a bump. Canoe trips to set up camp sites on Burnt Island Lake were great. No hot water , so we used an old canvas tent and rigged up a sauna with metal buckets and rocks heated on a campfire. The cook was really a pastry chef so we had pies at every meal including breakfast…..the rest of the food was just fuel ! We had a visit from Lord and Lady Hunt while we were in camp. Lord Hunt was in charge of Hilary’s conquest of Everest. I’ve still got my green leather “Lands& Forests” jacket that I bought at the end of the summer. I wore it with pride for a few years.

  75. good day fellow rangers, was browsing 2 find info on the JR program 2 enroll my son this year, 2013. found out our Liberals don”t think highly of this program(probably never were JR,s) thats how i found this site. I was at Sandbar camp in 79, the last year we were allowed 2 fire fight, terrible accident at
    Geralton that summer, 7 JR,s and experience
    kids killed in a prescribed burn.Still was the best summer ever,fishing , making new friends, livin the life! Would love 2 hear from any alumni from that great summer. cheers, sincerly Jay Paluck.

    • HI Jay,

      Where is Sandbar camp located? Is it close to Wawa? I was a JR at Obatanga in ’81 and we were told that story about the 7 JR’s being killed while fighting a fire. How awful. Very sad that the program has been cancelled and replaced with a day work experience program. It will not be the same. I was hoping that my daughter would want to be a JR, but it won’t happen now. Good site to be connected to. Hopefully you can reconnect with some of the JR’s from your camp and year.


      • Sandbar Lake JR Camp is outside Ignace, NW of Thunder Bay. I was a JR there in 1977. I am trying to find fellow ’77 Sandbar Lake JR’s.

  76. Reading over these comments brings back great memories, Rough Rock outside of Kenora 1973

    • Allo Bill…. Kenora… WOW.. memories.. there was a dude from Kenora and myself for Atikokan at the camp in Chapleau in 1975. I too wish I could find some of the old men of the past in our cams too. What camp were you posted to..? Pls Email me… borgsev@mts.net

  77. Great to see a posting.. My Name is Lee I was a JR. Ranger at one of the men’s camps in 1975. I was the one that suggest to build a camp marker that left Canoe sign.. with the Top one the opening of the camp and the Boss..PUXKSY Under hanging sign .. Had all the men that were that year. Coming for a family of 6 boys all of us went to Jr. Ranger camp in the 70’s
    When I was there I was in the Park we were assigned to and we were there one night for a slide show… and at the end I ran out not seeing the old Steam drill and ran in to the handle … rushed to the hospital. Has to get 5 stitches.. and was put on light duties Cleaning.. Then the WILD TRAIN RIDE… to Toronto.. 3 Cars full of Jr Rangers. And we all had a stash of hidden booze on the train. The Highlight was the summer JAMBOREE.. with the 6 cams then in the area .. Tree men;s and 3 Girls.. nuff said.. Pls Email if you too of this era .. Like to know if the sign was up for camp especially 1976 or 1977 if you seen or were at this one camp…

    • That was very similar to the camp at Rogers lake,Hearst,where I was in 1968>It was a great experience,and would wish it could happen for all the young adults,to get to know Ontario,and what a great bunch of people that we have.

    • Good day Dave ..ohh now,,,Wrong lake , Chapleau, Ont…. were I was in 1975.. was a complex of 20 trailers…4 were the cook house… and one housing unit like you show exclusive to the female cooks. None the less it was THE BEST SUMMER THUS FAR in my life and I am now 52 yrs old . thx for sharing./.. Lee

  78. I was a JR in 1977 at Madeleine Lake west of Thunder Bay near Northern Lights Lake. It was such a memorable experience. I remember one of the girls was a songwriter and guitar player. On our way from the airport to the camp, our van got caught in the sand a the side of the dirt road. I also recall meeting boys from Sandy Lake . It is unfortunate the programme was cancelled.

    • I was at Madeleine Lake in ’67. Went to EXPO 67 with my family and then caught a bus to Thunder Bay. Was the only 17 year old on the bus leaving Montreal, but every stop after that there was another young man getting on! 36 hours later we were assigned to our camps = some went on to Aticokan etc. But the best group of people I ever have worked with since headed West to Madeleine Lake. Our Foreman was named Ken Crowhurst , a high school teacher from TB and a full blood aboriginal to boot. I learned more from him that summer about leadership and respect than I did in the next 10 years. Life defining summer!

      • Very interesting, I also came to TB via Montréal. We have a summer place in Brébeuf in Les Laurentides. My plane left Montréal, landed in Ottawa, took off, landed in North Bay, took off and finally landed in TB. It took over a week for my ears to pop. Throughout my youth I’ve had the most wonderful summers at the cottage, summer camp as a camper and counsellor in Les Laurentides and such a wonderful time at Madeleine Lake with the girls.

      • I was at Madeleine Lake in 1970. Had a great summer .The camp forman was Ohlie

    • Hi Louise, I was one of your sub- foremen. I drove that van into the ditch! Fun summer. That musician was Mary-Ellen. I’m Linda Wunch. “Crunch”.

      • Bonjour Crunch, so glad to get a response from a member of the Super Crew :-). Do you have a group pictures or any pictures you can pass along? Louise

    Anyone remember Gelley Lake? I was there in summer of 1978. I remember so many good times. I wonder if anyone remembers “Citrus Tim and the Electric Oranges”? Meatloaf,…..
    Tom H.

  80. Hearst in ’68,was THE best.I know all of you had the best,too.Where can we send our kids now??

  81. Was foreman at Kiosk 75-80, great summers, it was a fabulous program.
    So many great things: the camp, the program, the staff, though the 42 unique seventeen year old rangers made the program and memorable summers. Very nice to hear from some of you. Live in BC, I just heard about the closure of the program, shame on the Ontario government.

    • Hey Colin! Great to hear from you! I’m amazed at the number of comments my little posting has collected and now that I’ve had a comment from you that tops it all off. I still have your sureform plane, btw!

  82. Hi John;Really nice to hear from you.I do believe I have that photo of my dad with the bear.Ivanhoe Lake Park has changed a lot over the years;The government wanted to close it down for camping and just have a day-use area;but the people have prevailed for know. I really don’t know what going to happen in the future.Had a great time in the summer and great memories.

  83. Hello to all former Ontario Rangers and Junior Rangers!

    The Ontario Ranger program was cancelled by the McGuinty government in September 2012. This low-cost program was as valuable to the young workers as it was to the province. Students were paid the minimum wage and were required to cover their own room and board.

    Over 78,000 Ontario youth have participated in the 70-year old program.

    The Ontario Ranger program provided 17-year old students across Ontario with the opportunity to work in remote areas of the province, through an intense eight-week program. They gained knowledge of resource management through a work and learning experience.

    Former Toronto Mayor and MP, David Crombie and MP Olivia Chow are just a small sample of former Ontario Rangers.

    The Friends of the Ontario Ranger Program (FORP), (the Ontario Ranger program was formerly known as the Ontario Junior Forest Ranger program) is hosting a reunion. We are expecting over 1,000 former rangers from the ages of 87 to 18 over the weekend of August 24 and 25, 2013.

    We want an opportunity to demonstrate the work Ontario Rangers did for communities when the program was in existence. We would like to volunteer for a big one day outdoor project, possibly build a trail or any clean up from the spring flood. The host community you can let us know what they need.

    This event will be heavily promoted throughout the summer through regular media channels, and social media. This is a big event for the FORP; we want the Wynne government to reinstate the program so it is available for our children and our grandchildren.

    Please add your name to the mailing list here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/171A35NDMAC_WopGwphO3MGpQrVi-UkzCWHJjXuexo4Y/viewform

    Join us on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/friendsoftheontariorangerprogram?fref=ts

    Contact Donna Miller Fry (Obatanga 1977) at 42krunner@gmail.com with any questions or if you want to volunteer!

    Thanks so much for your support.

  84. Whitney Lake and Lake Temagami camp, summer of 86. Lots of fun…greatest experience of my life. $15/day. I still have a journal I kept detailing everything we did. Trips to Kirkland Lake…planting trees….3 and 4 day boat/canoe trips. Ate enough blueberries to choke a horse. Too bad no other kids will get to experience it…Anyone else still have their chunk of fire-hose with their name on it….I do.

    • Hi Todd,
      I was at both camps as well. I was junior ranger at briggs camp in temagami in 1986. I went back for eight years as a junior foreman and later a sub foreman. It was probably the best summers i ever had. There was two camps at that time and we switched after 4 weeks.

    • yup I sure do have my chunk of hose…..loved Briggs and Whitney lake..blue berries galore..picked the whole plant amd made piles and sat on the rock and picked them off the bush…was in Briggs in 84 I vaguely remember we had a guy nick named physco cause he was just crazy and goofy..also vaguely remember there was some sort of crazy incident with an MNR staff…..getting old lol cant remember what it was lol lol. But best summer of my life…still havent lost the weight I gained from all the great food lol lol

  85. Hello. My name is Ken Patton. I was a JR at Chutes Provincial Park near Massey in ’74. I was disappointed to hear that the program was being cancelled. Not surprised really considering it’s coming from the McGinty Libs.
    I have a clipping in my posession that says there is going to be a reunion for former JR’s in Huntsville on Aug. 24-25. Can you validate.
    By the way, if anyone from Chutes can remember, my nickname was ‘Winner’.

  86. The JR Program helped me to prepare for residence life at college, otherwise, I probably wouldn’tve been able to withstand the social stress. It helped me to gain social skills, while enabling me to work with my strengths of being used to the outdoors, physical labour, and using handtools, while learning teamwork, and teaching others survival skills. I learned how to swim, and how to canoe, and emergency first aid, CPR and workplace safety while I was with them. Those three summers gave me official work experience that I could list on resumes, because before that, the only job experience I had was working on the farm. I think the government got good value for it’s money, because we worked for a lot less than what they were paying the fire crews. In l980 they were getting about $18/hour just to be on standby while we were getting $10 or $15 per day (all depending if you were a JR or Jr. Sub.). They used chainsaws. We were judged to be not capable of using them, or maybe we were too delicate, so we were given sandviks and Crosscut saws. I may not have successfully made it off of the farm without the program. The two mile portages with heavy backpacks or canoes in Algonquin Park, the tree cutting with those saws, and log carrying to build the bridges at Petroglyphs park near Peterborough, picking 20 gallons of blueberries in four days of rain and snow in August, up near Matheson, while our School Bus van was stuck up to it’s axle in sand. Back then we still used walkie – talkies but we were out of range of any of the relay stations. We were supposed to be planting trees, but the trees didn’t make it up there until the morning of the day that we left, and fighting the fire at Esker Lakes park, when the tank exploded at the store inside the park are experiences that the girls from the towns and cities would’ve never encountered had the program not existed. In l978, we were one of the last camps (at least at that time, maybe they’ve resumed the training now),to get fire – fighting training, so, two years later with the fire at Esker Lakes Park, I was allowed to help the park staff. The program showed me career options that I never knew existed, ie Outdoor Recreation. 35 years later, I still volunteer to bring people closer to nature by helping to build trails. Thanks to tgrignon for starting this blog. Gwen H., Halifax, NS. JR l978 Cashel Lake, Bancroft, Jr. Sub Ranger, Kap kig iwan l979, Jr. Sub Esker Lakes, l980

    • Hi Peter,

      Nope. However, I am more than likely related in some way to the Hornibrook you know. It’s not a common name. Who was the person you know?

      • Hi Janet. There is a guy that was a firefighter who left this job quite early in his career because his homebuilding business became so successful that he had no time for his firefighting job. I’m pretty sure his name is Doug Hornibrook and he lives in etobicoke. I’m a former north York firefighter but as of Jan. 1998 we all became the big new Toronto fire service which is where I now work. Junior rangers was a blast. Summer of 1977. Cheers.

        Sent from my iPhone

  87. White river 1985 was a great time to live and learn. Sorry to here that the program has gone under the axe. Love to here if there is a get together . I do need one requirement though, the clap count of the area. One clap count the black flies… 1-5 nice 5-10 annoying… 10-20 getting thick… the highest was around 47 and that was unbearable…. those were the days.. and I loved it. garethscaife@hotmail.com

  88. http://www.friendsoftheorp.com/contact.htm. What T. Grignon is doing is great. It’s what got me connected with everything that’s happening. August 24th, 2013, Huntsville. Be there if you can, and if you care. The Rangers went from l944 – 2012. 78,000 participants. The program opened up to girls in l973, so how come there’s only one blog from a guy, on the main site that’s trying to get the program reinstated? The only ones talking are from Wade Lake. What about Whitney Lake, Clear Lake, Kap kig iwan? Give a shout out!

    • Hi RADAR: So, were you at Sandbar Lake? If so, several former Rangers from there, have been on the Friends of the Ontario Rangers facebook page, and on the website, including this weeks’ blogger, Rik Hudson, from the l977 camp. Maybe you’ll recognize some names. Several of the female rangers from that area also, ie Sioux Lookout (Obatanga Park?) have posted comments and stories. Do you have pictures or a journal that you can upload to the site? Even the old pictures come out okay.

    • Please join us for this CRUCIAL day to share your Ranger story. We need every available person who can spare their lunch hour to join us on Tues. Sept 24 at Queens Park Room 230 (12-1pm) If you’ve never been to an event to lobby the government for a cause you believe in, there’s a first time for everything!! There’s nothing to it. Just show up, have some snacks and join in the conversation. Or if you are shy about talking just being there shows your support.

  89. I am glad to have had the opportunity to meet with former Rangers from various years who enjoyed the experience of the Ranger Program, during the Jamboree in Huntsville Aug. 24. I am a former Jr. Forest Ranger who worked in Killarney Provincial Park (1967). As much as I have stories to tell, others who have commented on their experiences of such a memorable summer, mirror so much of my own. I was not privileged to continue my interest in forestry, due to lack of family interest and support. I retired from a long career at Canada Post in 2012, and when I became aware of the cancellation of the Ranger Program, I decided to lend my active support to reinstating this program. The memories of this summer program left an indelible mark on me, more than any other experience to this day. I attended Lobby Day with my wife, at Queen’s Park on Sept. 24. to lend support for FULL reinstatement of the (Original)Ranger Program, NOT the papered over day program Premier Wynne has instituted. I would encourage any former Ranger to contact their MPP NOW! Tell him/her of your experiences and reasons why they should ask for a review of this program and encourage them to support ” summer youth employment” in their upcoming Fall budget. Act NOW before it’s too late! Tell them to lead by example, if they expect the private sector to do the same!

    • HI Bob: I’ve been paying attention to your comments on the Friends of the Ontario Ranger Program facebook site. It’s been a pleasure reading them. Keep up the good work. Please consider contacting Charlie Angus. I did, however, I’m from out of province, so, he didn’t respond.The MPP in my home riding, John Vanthof was there. Megan Leslie, the NDP MP who took over Alexa McDonoughs riding here in Halifax, was raised in Kirkland Lake and worked at Esker Lakes Park. She’s agreed to do whatever she can. I contacted the New Liskeard and KL papers, but have no way of knowing if they ran articles with what I sent. I’m back studying, so can’t spend as much time.

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        Hi. I also was JR summer of 1970 at Samuels design Champlain park near Mattawa. Great memories. Would appreciate info on the Huntsville jambory that took place Aug 24. Is there a plan for one next year. Regards, steveSent from my BlackBerry® PlayBook™www.blackberry.comFrom: “Golbing” <comment-reply@wordpress.com>To: “crossmanfam@sympatico.ca” <crossmanfam@sympatico.ca>Sent: November 26, 2014 9:07 AMSubject: [New comment] Junior Rangers Garry Paget commented: “Bob, plse see my comment posted today (Nov 26, 2014) and contact me @ jgpag@hotmail.com. Thank you.

        Garry Paget Bolton, Ontario”

  90. I was a JR in 1980, we split the summer between Ramsey Lake, north of Manitouwadge, and Neys Prov. Park. Fantastic summer

    • Hi Steve:If you haven’t already, please consider sharing your memories of that summer including any pictures, on the Friends of the Ontario Rangers site, and with all levels of government in Manitouwadge, and those for where you live now. You have nothing to lose by doing so, and everything to gain. GH. Cashel Lake ’78 (Bancroft), Kap kig iwan ’79, Esker Lakes ’80 (Swastika/Kirkland Lake District)

  91. Shout out to all the JR’s from the summer of “85” in Gogama on Lamotte Lake!!! Best summer of my life ladies!!

  92. I Was a JR in 1972 at a Camp north of Thunder Bay ,called Trapper Lake,,,I have tryed locateing it
    ,but can”t remember where it was,,,,,

    • Hi Paul, There is a Trapper Lake north of Terrace Bay. I went into Google Maps and typed in Trapper Lake near Thunder Bay and that was the result that I found.

    • Hi Paul
      I was at Trapper Lake in 1972 I also could not find the lake but using Trapper Lake near Thunder Bay I did.
      Brian Piott

    • I was also at Trapper lake in 1975. Can’t find it either, but great memories!

    • Peter Neary, Mississagi Provincial Park, 20 miles north of Elliot Lake, Ontario, summer of 1977. Best summer ever! Cheers to all.

      Sent from my iPhone

      On Feb 25, 2014, at 11:58 PM, Golbing wrote:

      > >

      • Achray – a whole bunch of miles west of the Pembroke entrance to Algonquin Park, on Grand Lake, Barron Canyon. Summer of 1968. Did I mention that it was the best summer ever. Would do it all over again – planting red pine / cruising. Near the end of our work term we went camping at one of the Algonquin camp sites south of Hwy 60. – right beside the girl guide camp. — “Dutch”

      • Peter…I was there in 1968. I have always remembered it as Camp Portelance. Do you have any photos?

  93. Hi Olav: If you haven’t already, please check out the Friends of the Ontario Ranger Program website and facebook page. They are working to convince the Ontario Government to reinstate the program. Thanks. Gwen H., Cashel Lake (Bancroft), ’78, Kap kig iwan (Swastika/KL), ’79, Esker Lakes, ’80

    • Hi Gwen,
      I’m new to the site (2 days ago) and noticed your promotion of the FORP site. Can you pop[ me a quick e-mail? jgpag@hotmail.com
      Garry (Barclay Bay 19678 & Wrong lake 1968 Chapleau District)

  94. If you’ve done office parties or corporate work, make sure to mention that
    as well. For more information on my Workshops, Writing Mastermind Groups and private coaching,
    please go to my website listed below and feel free to
    call me any time. Brad Garret is a stand-up comedian but also well known for his acting career.

  95. Love all the love for the JR program…25 years later and my husband is heartily sick of my (still!) telling tales about the best summer of my life. Cedarbough, Sioux Lookout, summer of ’88. Trying to find a few friendly faces from back in the day, if anyone one is out there (Robyn, Trina, anyone?!). Was so sad to hear the program was shut down! I remember seeing a bunch of JR’s coming home on the train I was on, when I was about 11, and they looked like the happiest group of kids I’d ever seen. I pointed them out to my dad, who told me about the JR program (don’t know how HE knew – he hated anything even approaching “country-ish” and couldn’t understand my love of hiking and camping). I then waited not-too-patiently for the next six years so I could be part of that group. I hope it is re-instated, or re-incarnated somehow, so other kids can have wonderful memories like we do!

  96. Time to add my “pennies to the jar” ! I was both a JR (Barclay Bay 1967) and a SR (Wrong Lake 1968) and, WITHOUT A DOUBT, the best 2 summers of my life. I recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of my 39th birthday and I happened across this site. I’m just headed out the door but shall return, this evening, to read all the entries. This is dusting off some great memories and I shall be going through the old photographs very soon. My best to all and all your memories. There are only a few of us who have experienced this joy. It will live forever!!

    I leave this for the “oldtimers” in the crowd…a wonderful man!


    Garry Paget
    Bolton, Ontario
    (formerly of Brockville)

  97. I was a JR during the summer of 1977, earning my $10 a day at Killbear Provincial Park, just north of Parry Sound, Ontario. It was probably the best summer of my teenage life. Lots of interesting hard work in and around the park, and learning a lot of great things from the Ministry of Natural Resources. I helped build the new hall in the park, and even signed my name in one of the roof trusses. I had an amazing experience, and it’s too bad McGuinty choose to cancel this program when it was one of the best things that ever happened to me in my life. I worked hard, ate well, and had a great time. If anyone was there during this same time, please contact me at veerobillard@gmail.com.

  98. Steven Lemmen 1972, great adventure, don’t remember where I was, northern near Timmins I think, if anyone remembers me please enlighten me, followed my family to BC afterward, originally from Pembroke.

    • Steven, welcome aboard. I’m sure others are thinking it so I’ll say it…you must be the first JR who can’t remember where he was…no…the second. How did you arrive: by train, bus or car? Chapleau is not far from Timmins by I was there in 1967 & 68. Garry

      • Yes I do feel a bit dumb not remembering the name. But it was a great summer, did a couple canoe trips cutting portages etc, camp was cabins by the lake and a central cook house, great grub. Is there a repository of photos, perhaps I can identify that way. Took the train there from Pembroke, then carried on to BC by train afterwards. Life has been a blur since then. Wish I could go back and be 17 again ……

      • No need to feel that way…life takes many routes! No official repository of photos I’m aware of…only those of a personal nature. Might I suggest you get a map out, follow both the CNR & CPR rail lines and see if a town name triggers a memory. Did you get off the train in Timmins?

      • Hi Steven:
        If you haven’t already, check out the Friends of the Ontario Ranger website and facebook page. There are several photo albums on the facebook page. Welcome to the crew. Gwen H., Cashel Lake, ’78, Kap kig iwan ’79, Esker Lakes, ’80.

      • Checked out Facebook but no pictures I recognize, anyone got unposted pictures of 1972 ? I’m sure lots more than me would love to see them ! Cheers, Steve

      • Hey Garry, pretty sure I got on the train heading west in Pembroke. Got picked up alone at train station a day after everyone else had already arrived. Hopefully I will remember something more soon. It was a great experience. More memories would help me relive it …….

    • Hey, could have been Mattawa or Kiosk or around there. Guess I didn’t know there were so many camps. At the time I must have thought it was the only one. Trying to think of significant events, like being water bombed by a Beaver after being dropped off but that was probably standard procedure, or losing the chainsaw in a submerged canoe trying to shoot the rapids, again probably a common occurrence . Racking my brain. Celebrating the 43rd Anniversary of my 17th soon. The grey matter hurts when I try to think. Was active in scouting too so a lot of the memories are mixed up. Sigh ……

      • Hey, you’re still a pup! About to celebrate the 26th of my 39th, here! We’re getting there. Did you catch a train in Pembroke or have to go to Ottawa? Trying to see if you took the CNR or the CPR. You were a JR 5 years after me.

      • “Hey Garry, pretty sure I got on the train heading west in Pembroke. Got picked up alone at train station a day after everyone else had already arrived. Hopefully I will remember something more soon. It was a great experience. More memories would help me relive it …….”

        Steve, I’m replying to the posting from you. For some reason the “Reply” arrow isn’t there so I’ll tag along on this one. Can you send me an e-mail … jgpag@hotmail.com? .. Thanx, Garry

      • Steven your description of the camp sounds like Ivanhoe Lake Provincial Park near Folyet and Chapleau; I was there in 1977. Sister and Brother camps were Five Mile, Shoals Park, Wakami, and Racine, the first two were girls camps and the latter two boys camps.

  99. Welcome aboard, Dean. Garry here. Thanks for your input. Steven and I have been bouncing back and forth (offsite), trying to narrow down the possibilities. I recognize all the names you mention but was never at their locations. Garry…Chapleau District: JR-Barclay Bay (1967) and SR-Wrong Lake (1968).

    • Hey Guys, looks like Ivanhoe is smack dab between Chapleau and Timmins,
      Where we went for day trips to let off steam, a separate story, x-rated , though not xxx-rated,
      Plus I found a link to Ivanhoe camp layout that matches what I remember with the camp at the back of the park,

      Click to access ivan-pmp-1984.pdf

      Now to get a 1972 group photo of Ivanhoe junior ranger and my life will be complete before dementia truely takes hold,
      Uh, let’s not lose our sense of humour,
      Cheers, Steve

      • Hey Steve, thought I’d “jump out from behind the bushes” again. That didn’t take long at all…discovering where you lost “your youth” !! So it was really those “Single X-Rated Timmins Trips” after all !! lol.

      • Hey Garry, yes the other junior rangers led me astray at the pool halls, my first introduction to drugs other than alcohol. As far as losing the rest of my youth that was long gone due to scouting and the inevidable girl guide encounters. Oh to be young again ………

  100. Ah yes…but a little too much information. Now, back to your memory loss “thingy”…

  101. My J.R, years in 1975 at Pakwash Park was life-changing. It was my first summer away from an abusive home – and the summer I learned some very important life-skills. I made friends, honed up some of my baseball skills, flew in my first Sea-Otter, went on a 5 night 6 day canoe trip through the wilderness, built up new muscles, let my hair grow and got so tanned that visitors use to take photos of me thinking I was authentic First Nations.

    Our day trips were into Red Lake Ontario where there was one theatre in an old airplane hanger. We were paid $60. a week and had Sunday’s off. (Maybe Saturday too – I don’t remember).

    I thought the friends I made there would last forever, they didn’t. And though I have forgotten most of their names, I distinctly remember the great times we had.

    I appreciate the posting (although not sure why the original poster felt it necessary to state that they were all guys but not gay.)

    Would love to hear from someone else from Pakwash Park 1975.


    • Wow! You were up near Red Lake in the 70’s. I so much wanted to be assigned to that area, because of the special challenges you would’ve had to deal with. Have you been on the Friends of the Ontario Ranger Program (FORP) facebook? Still, I was very lucky to be able to spend three years in it. I’d like to read more about what some of your assignments were.

    • Hi Thom, I was there in 1975 as well. If I am correct, you were from Kitchener. I think you were with Farmer the night we all had a bad scare!

    • Thom,

      Do you remember some of these names?

      Burford, Kelly (Cowboy), Petawawa (Jeff St. Clair), Paul from Toronto, Chris (played the guitar),
      Farmer, Phil (I think he was our sub-foreman), Mr. Bondy (our foreman), Hans (the cook), the
      guy from London who used to spend his $60. weeks pay for one phone call to his girlfriend for
      one hour.

      That summer certainly impacted my life as well. Strange that I should google J.R. Pakwash
      1975, two days after your posting!

      I have a photo album from that summer, but I’ll have to dig it out of storage to see if I can remember any of the other guys.


      • Hey Dave, I remember you well. You lived in Kitchener. We gave you a ride home from the train station. I was new to Kitchener and Grand River Collegiate and you were kind enough to show me the ropes. Man, you have a great memory. Those names you listed brought back a rush of memories for me. I’m finishing up a book and I reference that summer a few times. I’m coming to Waterloo sometime in August to do a short talk and intro on JAWS at the Princess Theatre if you’re in the area and want to grab a beer?

    • Hey Thom, I’ve been living in Hanmer, just north of Sudbury for 24 years. I tried to get my wife to move to Red Lake but this was the compromise. Send me an e-mail and I’ll send you my contact information. It will be nice to chat. liddard@personainternet.com

    • Hi Tim:
      If you didn’t already know, you might find someone if you check the Friends of the Ontario Ranger Program facebook page. (FORP). Good Luck! GH. ’78 Cashel Lake, ’79 Kag kig iwan, ’80 Esker Lakes.

    • Woops. There are postings on this sight from Restoule, l983…Dave Henson from 2012/11/19.He talks about Speedy and Steve. Hope that helps.

  102. Gelley lake, South of Kenora 1986. The best summer of my life. I still have dreams about going back for a visit.

  103. Hi Guys I was up Hearst Ontario in the summer of 1977.What a great summer. Only few of us from Ottawa most came from Toronto. Call me

      • looking on the aerial photos,it was probably at Kingfisher lake,just above Calstock.

      • When I was there ,in ’68,aerial sprayers landed there,as did the turbo Beaver.We got sprayed while acting as marker buoys.But,I am still alive.I loved the place and Ed Goutier,the boss.

      • Hello
        I was a junior ranger in the summer of 72 at Pleasant lake ( if I remember correctly ), outside of Espanola Ont. Great summer , great people. Remember the day we flooded out the counselors cabin quite well. Norms sweater ( a gift from his girl friend ) was a casualty of the siege. To bad they no longer have this program. If anyone remembers Pleasant lake ( 1972 especially ) please post or send photos. ( the ones I previously received were lost in an upgrade, along with the name of the former JR who sent them to me.

  104. Good day everybody, wow talk about flash backs. Stationed North end Algonquin Park 1972 72 rangers met in Powassan split up into 3 groups of 24 housed in 2 bunk houses with 12 in each wish i could remember what lake we were on. Was a great summer, Had good staff great cook, worked us hard played hard.We took down fire station lookout tower, widened 3 miles of bush road,then did the fun stuff canoeing the park fixing portage trails. They bused us to North Bay every friday afternoon for R & R. Arrived a teenager left a man. bulked up 3 inches that summer. Junior Ranger forever thanks mom. Claude L (aka da fiddler) ps hey hot dog you out there brah?

      • Kioshkokwi Lake, JR Camp built around 1970 still there Kiosk was the town Mill burned down 1973

      • I was at Samuel DE Champlain park near Mattapan in 1970. Awesome experience. Big flood that summer. Bridge washed out. Family tipped boat upstream of the bridge. We saved mother, daughter and son. Uncle drowned. Sad day it was. Bunny leroque was our camp masterms.. we were the first to paddle the 12 man canoe down the Mattapan river during voyager days. Batman, VD and Moonbeam…what a crew

      • Hello Folks. My name is Peter Neary. I was a junior ranger in the summer of 1977 at Mississagi Provincial Park, just north Of Elliot Lake Ont. What a great summer that was. I often think about that J.R. summer and have fond memories. Worked with a great bunch of guys. Are any of you guys out there? I still have my Mississagi Park T-Shirt that we all had made up back then, although it seems to have shrunk somewhat. Cheers to all, Peter Neary, Etobicoke, Ont.


      • Junior Rangers was the best summer of my life hands down, 17 years old and not a care in the world. The world was a much better place too. 1977 at Mississagi Provincial Park, about 20 miles north of Elliott Lake, Ont. If only I could go back too that summer. I would do things so much differently with my life. I might just drive up there this summer and reflect on a great summer, and then have to drive back to Toronto and reality. Many many regrets.

      • Peter,
        “Junior Rangers was the best summer of my life hands down…”…that is what everybody says…certainly more that 99%. My summer was 1967, at Barclay Bay on Missinaibi Lake which appears to be 140 miles NNW of Mississagi Provincial Park, as the Beaver flies. I also spent 1968 at Wrong Lake Camp 7 miles south of “Big Miss”. While I know it’s not possible to turn back time…I certainly strongly reflect on that first summer as a JR. So sorry that things don’t seem to have worked out for you leaving you with “many, many regrets”. Try to recapture that joy and spread a bit around you. Good luck. Garry P.

  105. rod veilleux:
    That was me who sent you the pictures. I will try to send them again if I can find you contact info.
    Call me at either 519-615-5356 or 519-670-8452
    Regards, Rick Oskirko

  106. I was a Junior Forest Ranger in 1970 at Matheson camp. Anyone else attend that year?

    • Hi Kevin. I was at Matheson in 1970. It’s me Bear. Do you remember me? I got sprayed by that big skunk one night. I wonder if he’s still roaming around the camp. That summer was the best summer ever for me. Cheers, xoxo

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  107. I was at Ranger Lake ..north of the Soo…1971 Many fond memories of being shuttled back and forth from Pancake Bay, Battchewana Bay and Ragged Lake to work in parks ect. Would love to go and see if any of our handy work is still there…

  108. Gerald Morse says:
    Yes,it does,as I recall the turbo beaver hitting the trees on the south end of the lake as we were flying to the forestry tower to clear shrubs.The only thing that seems out of wack is where the crop dusters might have landed(south of the baseball diamond)if I recall

  109. I was a JR in 69. In the Kenora region. Best thing for a 17 year old in the world. Anyone else?

  110. I see its been a while since anyone has made a comment here. I thought I would say that I was a jr in the summer of 1966 at Wild Goose Lake near Geraldton. Love to hear from anyone who was there.

      • Hi My name is Steve Crossman (AKA Batman). I was a JR in 1970 at Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park near Mattawa…and would love to hear from anyone who was there. It was the best summer of my teen years.

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  111. Hello, I was a junior ranger at Rogers Lake near Hearst in 1985. I was thinking of seeing the camp again. But I think a lot of these camps were discontinued, even before 2012. Anyone else here from Rogers? Difficult to find the place on Google.

    • I was at Rogers camp,,,1968.a great location by Bluebird lake.it was dismantled.1990.

  112. I was at Sandbar in 1998. Great group of lads, in a summer I’ll never forget. Wish I still kept in touch with some of those guys….all I can remember is eveyone’s first name dammit…So sad.

    • Jared M,
      I continue to enjoy seeing posts, such as yours here, of young men describing the best summers of their young lives. Some 41 years before your 1998 exposure to your memories, I arrived in Chapleau, Ontario and headed to Barclay Bay Camp as a JR. Without question…the best time of my life…next to my 2 sons. Enjoy your memories…they will be carried with you for the rest of your life.!!
      I wrote about my experience here:
      http://www.ontarioforesthistory.ca/files/fhso_journ_vol_6_iss_1_fall_2015_.pdf Pgs 34-36
      http://www.ontarioforesthistory.ca/files/fhso_journ_vol_7_iss_1_spring_2016.pdf Pgs 29-34
      Take care and all the best,
      Garry Paget

      • Hi all; is there anyone out5 there that was a JR in 1970 at Samuel de Champlain Prov Park near Mattawa. I was there. It was the summer of my life. Would like to connect with anyone that was part of that summer.

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      • Not your year. But I was at Samuel de Champlain the year before in 1969. While there the first moon landing occurred and the Charles Manson gang did their dirty business.
        I returned to the park a few years ago for a visit and spoke to the rangers about my experience there. He said he knew the Juniors had been there and that many of the ‘artifacts’ had been moved to storage. LOL.
        Yup, getting older aren’t we?

      • Denis, not getting older…archivial speaking…getting better, no? lol
        Garry… Barclay Bay 1967 & Wrong Lake 1968…both in Chapleau. I still have great memories of my best 2 summers evah!!

      • JR in 1967 @ Barclay Bay (Missinaibi Lake) and a SR @ Wrong Lake in 1968. I’ve wtitten a couple of articles if you are interested.

  113. Hi ! My name is Stew Unhola, Jr Ranger at Halfway Provincial Park near Gogama on hwy 144 . Best Summer ever..I think it was 1974. Had a ride in a Norseman Aircraft, scared the heck out of us! We had a great crew ,supervisor was a hardened firefighter of 800 fires!! he would remind us..I would like to connect with anyone who was there. My father sent me to “camp” this year….really fixed my lazy ass ! Went on to work as a mechanic trade for 10 years ,then 31 years as an OPP,working both north and southern Ontario. Often wondered where I would be without going into the Ranger program. Sad state of affairs cancelling it. I tried to find records on this but the MNR didn’t keep them /or destroyed them shortly there after.

    • Good morning Stew, good to hear from another JR who experienced a “life changing” experience in the bush. The year was the summer you were 17. My own was at Barclay Bay Camp on Missinaibi Lake, north of Chapleau. As with you, my memories have stayed with me a lifetime. My career ended up on aviation…ATC in the control tower at Toronto International Airport.
      Was it records on the shutting down of the JFR Program you were looking for? I’m sure wynne “deep sixed” those very quickly. I wrote an article on that if you are interested.
      Also, I don’t know if you may have been around Matheson but an acquaintence was a JR at Five Mile Lake, Chapleau in 1964. He joined the OPP in 1969 or 1970. His name is L. George Simmons.

  114. I was at a camp that did work in Rainbow Falls Provincial Park in 1971. On weekends we would visit the town of Rossport that had a movie theater. My cousin was posted at a nearby camp too. I came up by train from Toronto overnight and met the Rangers in Geraldton. They took us to camp in trucks. We cleaned the campsites , cut wood with a saw called the pig, dug trenches for campsite plumbing and hydro. I still have the green leather jacket from back then. I wish someone could let me know the location of the camp as I plan on driving up there this summer from Barrie Ontario. One of the rangers name may have been Ron Lanigan. He was a stocky built person. The other ranger was skinny with a beard. The old lady cook was from Schreiber. I can be reached at ve3ell@gmail.com or on twitter @ve3ell my name is Russell Farrell

  115. My name is Chris Hallam and I was at McConnell Lake in the summer of 1968. Bush camp which meant black flies, deer flies and Muskol…haha! Great experience with memories that last a lifetime. Love to connect with anyone from the camp that summer. chrishallam at yahoo dot com

  116. I read some place that the ranger camp in 1971 was white sands lake camp can anyone give me more information or pictures from that place ?

  117. Hi, my name is Bill Chynoweth and I was a junior ranger at the Bear Island, Temagami camp in the summer of 1969. It was a great experience that you don’t forget. Hope to move to Temagami some day.

    • Bill, I was also a Junior Ranger at Bear Island in 1969. I recently made contact with Michael Checkley who was part of our crew. I must say that it was the best summer of my life. Bob Chenier

  118. I spent the summer of 1966 as a JR at a camp somewhere east of South River. We were a crew of about two dozen, plus 2 foremen (one was a teacher from North Bay; the other, a farmer) and 2 cooks. I’ve been unable to locate the camp, and I suspect it’s gone; if anyone has a location, I’d appreciate knowing. We spent most of the summer clearing corners and filling potholes on bush roads, but did a little portage cleaning in Algonquin Park and – thank heaven – only two days planting trees. This was my first bush summer, during which I learned that I could not only tolerate the life, but actually enjoyed it. A year later, I went into geology at U of T, and worked my entire 40-year career in mining exploration – much of it “in the weeds”.

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